The Story of Shinty
The area of Badenoch in the Cairngorms National Park has deep-rooted connections with the game of shinty, where the sport forms an integral part of the culture and heritage of the area. In modern times, shinty is a fast-paced, highly competitive sport, where the game continues to be at the heart of communities throughout Badenoch
Shinty Heritage and Gaelic Culture
Shinty is a spirited traditional sport utilising a curved stick and ball which is played all across Scotland but, perhaps most prominently, in the Highlands and West Coast. It is thought to have been imported to Scotland some time ago from Ireland alongside the Christian faith and Gaelic language, where its place within Irish mythology suggests that the sport has been played, in one form or another, for thousands of years: In fact, it may be one of the oldest sports still being played in existence today.
“In fact, it may be one of the oldest sports still being played in existence today.”
As a cultural activity, shinty is strongly linked with many other aspects of traditional Highland culture such as music, poetry and song. Gaelic is undoubtedly the language of shinty, where historically both players and spectators alike were native speakers from the surrounding communities. The language and etiquette on the pitch were also in Gaelic, as were the cheers from supporters on the side-lines. As a result, many of the terms now associated with the game, which are still used prominently today, are in the language.
Gaelic verse: Dain is Oran
'Camanachd gur roghadh spòrs e | 'Shinty is the sport of choice |
Àm a' gheamhraidh is tùs an earraich | In wintertime and early spring |
Mach 'san achadh 's gillean greannmhor | Out in the field with lively lads |
An deagh ghleus ri cluich cho annamh, | In good trim to play so rarely, |
Nach camanachd bu dual d'ar sinnsir, | Was not shinty the custom of our ancestors? |
Ag iomain bhall air Là Callainn, | Playing shinty on New Year’s Day, |
C'àit ’eil coimeas ris ’san Eòrpa, | Where is its like in the whole of Europe? |
H-uile fear cho eudmhor ealamh | Every man so zealous and swift |
Dol ga dhubhlan bhuidhinn tadhail.' | Meeting the challenges of visiting groups.' |
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The Cairngorms National Park Authority believe we have the owner’s permission to publish images we know are in copyright and have taken the relevant steps to credit the source of these images appropriately. However, if you think we have inadvertently used your copyright material without permission, please contact us: [email protected].
Special Thanks
With thanks to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for their funding support in order to produce ‘The Shinty Trail’ online resource.
Le taing do Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic maoineachaidh gus an goireas air-loidhne ‘Slighe na Camanachd’ a thoirt gu buil.
We welcome your feedback on your experience using the Shinty Trail. Please email [email protected] with any comments.