Dramatic Cairngorms shot wins National Parks Photo Comp
13th March 2020

The UK National Parks and Campaign for National Parks have announced the winner of their joint photography competition which underscores the importance of nature in our National Parks.
Around the theme of a ‘Inspired By Nature’, the competition drew around 1,700 entries from across the 15 National Parks in the UK via social media. Outstanding wildlife shots, landscapes and people blew away the judges. The dramatic winning shot, from Pete Stevens, depicts the spectacle of the natural world as an osprey swoops in on its prey in the Cairngorms National Park.
Grant Moir CEO of the Cairngorms National Park Authority said, “I am delighted that Pete was able to visit the Cairngorms National Park and get this winning photo.”
“We work with our partners in Cairngorms Nature to conserve and protect our natural heritage, to ensure that residents and visitors alike can experience our world class landscapes and wildlife.
“The National Parks across the UK each have their own unique needs and challenges when it comes to conserving nature. They are full of people with great expertise and local knowledge who are working tirelessly to support nature and protect the land for future generations.”
Read the full story and see the shortlisted photos here