Why did the farm cross the road?
9th November 2018

An entire farm is set to move from one side of the A9 trunk road near Kingussie to the other to make way for a dual carriageway.
Balavil Estate was granted planning permission today by the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) to construct a new version of Balavil Home Farm on the western side of the trunk road, essentially moving the farm from its current location situated between the old and new A9.
The planning permission in principle for the construction of a new farm unit including new buildings and access track was approved by CNPA Planning Committee members at a meeting in Ballater this morning (Friday 9 November).
Gavin Miles, Head of Planning and Communities at the CNPA explained: “The A9 dualling project has presented the farm owners with a set of challenges as to how it can go about its daily business post construction and they have decided that the best way forward is to essentially move the farm from east to west. We are recommending approval of the application as it meets with all the relevant policies in the Cairngorms National Park Local Development Plan, despite an objection from Transport Scotland.
“But as this is a permission in principle – with the detail of the scheme yet to be decided – and the fact that the route of this new section of dual carriageway has yet to be fixed we have to base our recommendation on the situation as we have it and our current policies.”
Eleanor Mackintosh, Convener of the CNPA Planning Committed commented: “It certainly is an unusual application, moving an entire farm but I am happy to support the recommendation based on the context of the application. I am keen to see the detail of the project when it comes forward.”
To read the planning papers click here.