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Focus on recycling in the Cairngorms

6th February 2006

Waste is everyone’s business and a new forum in the Cairngorms is aiming to bring the issue of waste management and recycling to the top of the agenda.

The Cairngorms Recycling Forum is holding its first meeting at the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) offices in Grantown-on-Spey next week (Thursday 16th February).

The event, organised by the CNPA and the Community Recycling Network for Scotland (CRNS) is open to anyone who runs a community waste scheme, local authority recycling and waste officers as well as commercial companies who recycle in the Cairngorms National Park.

The CNPA’s Economic Development Officer, John Thorne, said: “Waste is a potential resource which can present economic and social benefits but its inefficiency in terms of processing, particularly through landfill, results in the loss of raw materials and has a negative impact on the environment. As an agency charged with helping to care for the environment, the Park Authority is supporting the establishment and development of community based waste initiatives, working with communities, other agencies and the commercial sector.

“With support from the Park Authority and the CRNS, the Cairngorms Recycling Waste Forum is set to play an important role, with the Park covering three separate area waste plans.  This is an excellent opportunity for everyone to talk across traditional boundaries of local government and find unique solutions to working towards zero waste in the Cairngorms.”

Next week’s event follows the Zero Waste Day, hosted by the Park Authority and CRNS last year, and aims to raise awareness of the impacts of producing and processing waste. Among the issues being explored at the Cairngorms Recycling Forum meeting will be local composting and re-use and recycling projects.

David Bryan from CRNS said: “There are currently 11 community recycling forums active across Scotland.  Community recycling organisations tend to be scattered far and wide so the forums are essential to removing the potential for isolation felt by these groups. They provide opportunities for accessing information and developing new products and services by working in partnership.  They keep the community sector up to date on developments regarding the implementation of the area waste plans and they provide an opportunity for non-members to access the services of Community Recycling Network for Scotland development officers.”

To attend the Cairngorms Recycling Forum or for more information, please contact John Thorne on tel:  01479 870520 / email:  David Bryan will be available in the afternoon for ‘surgery sessions’ to provide advice to existing and aspiring community recycling organisations, to make an appointment please contact David on tel: 07887 758012 / email: