Housing boost for Grantown-on-Spey
9th June 2023

The final houses to be built within a Grantown-on-Spey development will meet the needs of local people with almost double the amount of homes approved on the remainder of the site, rather than the previously granted consent for ten large self build properties.
Building firm RS MacLeod Ltd is nearing completion of it’s Beachan Court / Dunlicht Court development but has decided to use what remains of the site for 19 smaller units that are more likely to be affordable on the open market to people living and working locally, as opposed to the originally conceived 10 larger plots.
Ed Swales, Monitoring and Enforcement Officer for the Cairngorms National Park Authority explained: “The application seeks to vary the original permission, which granted consent for 10 building plots to the north and northwest boundaries of the site. It is now proposed to build 19 properties over these same plots, which will include three detached houses and 16 semi-detached houses.
“The units are not subject to affordable housing requirements as this element has already been delivered in an earlier phase of the wider development but the nature of the new proposals does mean there will be more homes on offer to serve a wider range of needs.”
The planning application before the Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning Committee today (Friday 9 June) was welcomed by members who attended a site visit before considering the proposal.
Planning Committee Convener Dr Gaener Rodger said: “The principle of this residential development is well established and while we were happy to consent to the previous application, we are very supportive of the changes outlined, offering a better range of accommodation that is more likely to suit people living and working in the area.
“With the affordable housing quota of 25% already been built, I am happy to support this application which will deliver a greater number of homes that are of a size and design that is better suited to the local demand. It fits into an already successful development and will complete the housing allocation in a way that creates an attractive part of Grantown-on-Spey.”
To read the planning papers in full please go here.