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Lack of detail means refusal for Nethy development

7th January 2011

The Planning Committee of the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) has refused an application for 30 houses, 10 affordable self-build plots and 8 business units in Nethy Bridge due to insufficient supporting information being available.

The development at School Road and Craigmore Road in the village was first submitted to The Highland Council in 2002 and was subsequently granted outline planning permission by the Council in February 2006. The detailed planning application by Inverburn Ltd was lodged in early 2009 and ‘called-in’ by the CNPA in March 2009.

Planning officer Mary Grier explained: “The extent of the information submitted in support of the detailed planning application has been quite limited. It is largely confined to the site layout plans with some basic landscape details and design drawings.

“To be able to assess the application on its merits, the CNPA requires more information such as various mammal and bird surveys, a detailed landscaping plan and clarification of affordable housing provision on the site. This was requested by the CNPA in December 2009 and despite an interim response being submitted in January 2010, no other information has been  forthcoming.

“Without it, it is extremely difficult to assess the application properly so I have to make a recommendation that we refuse the application.”

Planning Committee Convener Duncan Bryden commented: “The principle of development on these sites has been established with the granting of outline planning permission so it’s unfortunate that we don’t have the specific detail with which to make an informed decision on how that development will actually take shape.”