Nominations open for CNPA board by-election
2nd February 2017

Nominations open today (Thursday 2 February) for the Cairngorms National Park Authority by-election, with a deadline for submission of Thursday 23 February.
Triggered by the resignation of Katrina Farquhar, a vacancy is available on the CNPA Park Board to represent Ward 5, which covers Deeside, Glenshee and the Angus areas of the Cairngorms National Park.
It is the Park Authority’s role to safeguard the outstanding landscapes, rich habitats, rare wildlife – and of course, the Park’s communities – while helping to develop a sustainable economy within the National Park. The board of the Park Authority agree the long term objectives for the Park and set out the CNPA’s priorities for work. They also play a key role in representing the National Park and the Park Authority by acting as ambassadors.
CNPA Chief Executive Grant Moir explained: “As staff, we look to the board for guidance and strategic direction and members will be involved with a number of committees helping to deliver the Park Authority’s three main areas of work, Conservation, Visitor Experience and Rural Development. Anyone over 21 can stand for election and we would encourage people to come forward and stand – and of course we want everyone to vote!”
The Returning Officer – Steve Barron – has appointed a Depute Returning Officer from Aberdeenshire Council to administer the by-election so for information on how to stand and on the nomination process visit the Council’s website.
All registered voters in Ward 5 over the age of 16 will receive their postal votes around the 8 March with votes to be returned by 4pm on Thursday 30 March.
If you would like any further details or if anyone wants information on what the Board appointment entails you can contact the CNPA Chief Executive, Grant Moir via email: [email protected].
Information on current board members can be found here. The appointment will be from 1 May 2017 to the next park-wide elections in 2019.