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Park planners shut down hut plans

28th June 2019

An application for a hut and composting toilet in a woodland near the village of Carr-Bridge in the Cairngorms National Park has been turned down by planners.

Baddengorm Wood on the northern edge of the village is an area of established Scots Pine woodland that has been divided into smaller parcels of land which were recently offered for sale. One of the purchasers now wants to build a small hut and composting toilet for recreational purposes.

However the duo of buildings does not meet the approval of the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) who sited serious concerns over the impact on capercaillie and other aspects of the natural environment.

Planning Officer Stephanie Wade outlined her reasons for recommending that members refuse the application. Speaking at the meeting she said: “The proposal is contrary to our policies relating to the protection of the Park’s natural heritage as there is likely to be a significant effect on the five Strathspey Special Protection Area Natura 2000 sites with particular impacts on capercaillie.

“Baddengorm Wood is lightly used and therefore a good area for capercaillie and other wildlife. The introduction of new buildings in this woodland setting would cause increased noise and activity which would result in disturbance to the bird.”

Eleanor Mackintosh, the CNPA Planning Committee Convener commented: “Hutting would appear to be growing in popularity and while we have no specific policy in relation to this I fear that allowing such a proposal would set a worrying precedent for the future. I am not against the idea of hutting but the location and siting of such projects has to be very carefully considered.”

To read the planning papers in full please click here.