Resignation of Deputy Convener
31st July 2020

“On Wednesday 29th July, Geva Blackett tendered her resignation as Deputy Convener of the CNPA Board. I would like to thank Geva for her significant contribution as Deputy Convener over the last 18 months – during her time as Deputy Convener, she has worked tirelessly across a range of activities but particularly developing stronger links between the Park and the business community. Geva will continue as a Board Member and an election for a new Deputy Board Convener will take place when restrictions allow.
Following complaints made to the CNPA in relation to comments published on social media by Geva Blackett, a formal investigation of those complaints was undertaken and the findings of that investigation were considered at a meeting of the CNPA’s Audit & Risk Committee on Thursday 30th July. The committee concluded that elements of the Code of Conduct may have been breached. It was therefore decided by the Committee that the potential of a breach of the Code of Conduct should be referred to the Standards Commission, who will now make their own assessment as the body in Scotland with responsibility for adjudicating on alleged breaches of the Code.”
Xander McDade, Board Convener.