Scots Pine – a tree for all
4th October 2004
Just as the Cairngorms National Park aims to be a Park for all of Scotland’s people – the Scots pine should be a tree for all of Scotland’s people.
Speaking at the ‘Scots Pine and Rural Development’ conference, Andrew Thin, CNPA Convener and keynote speaker outlined the iconic value of the Scots pine and its social and economic benefits.
“It is encouraging to finally see a dawning awareness that the Scots pine is not some sort of local, slow growing, rather inferior source of timber but rather an icon for the new sustainable rural Scotland that many of us, with strong support from the Scottish Executive, are now working to create.
The Scots pine is of great significance to the Cairngorms National Park, and not just because of its harvestable timber yield. It is an important wildlife habitat for the likes of the red squirrel and the capercaillie, and is a place of recreation for many. All to often the media focus in the Cairngorms is on the mountain plateau but it is worth remembering that a far larger proportion of the National Park is covered in native pinewoods.”
The CNPA Convener drew attention to the second edition of the Forest of Spey booklet, ‘Growing Scots Pine for Quality Timber’ written by Rick Worrell and Irvine Ross. This new and updated version funded by Europe through the Highlands and Islands Special Transitional Programme is a practical guide to woodland owners, foresters and anyone interested in pine forests on the establishment, caring and management of Scot’s pine for timber, in the context of wider interests.
To obtain copy of the booklet, ‘Growing Scots Pine for Quality Timber’, please contact Diana Gilbert, CNPA’s Forestry/Woodland Officer on 01479 870547 or [email protected]