Cairngorms Nature Action Plan
The Action Plan builds on the foundations laid by the Cairngorms Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2002 – 2013. It describes what we agree are the most important things to do over the next five years and provides a focus for the work of partners
Cairngorms Nature Action Plan 2019-2024
Cairngorms Nature is a partnership for people and organisations to come together with a common desire to safeguard and enhance the outstanding nature in the Cairngorms National Park. The Action Plan describes the most important things to do over the next five years and provides a focus for the work of partners.
Cairngorms Nature Action Plan 2019-2024
Final Report Cairngorms Nature Action Plan 2019 2024
What we’ve achieved so far
The report below updates on the progress made over the last five years by partners and organisations throughout the Park. It presents some of the highlights and links to more information.
Species Restoration
One of a number of reports which has helped inform the Cairngorms Nature Action Plan is Assessing the Potential for the Restoration of Vertebrate Species in the Cairngorms National Park. This report explores the positive and negative aspects of species restoration. As a result, the Action Plan recommends investigating the potential for the return of Eurasian Beavers and Common Cranes to the Park.
Capercaillie Framework
Capercaillie are a high profile species synonymous with the Cairngorms and its forests. The Capercaillie Framework aims to improve conservation for capercaillie in its remaining UK stronghold. It also provides a practical way to address some of the challenges and tensions between conservation, tourism and development that go to the heart of why the Cairngorms National Park exists. View an infographic here.
Tackling Wildlife Crime
Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Dr Aileen McLeod visited the National Park on 18th January 2015 and met with a number of Cairngorms land owners. The meeting discussed ways to collaborate on a range of issues including addressing raptor persecution and conservation. The National Park is internationally renowned for the quality of its nature and as a tourism destination. The National Park Authority is working with landowners and others to ensure we see an end to incidents of raptor persecution in the National Park, and more positively, collaborate on delivering raptor conservation as part of a wider approach to delivering habitat and species diversity.
Read our Forest Strategy
The Cairngorms National Park Forest Strategy 2018 is the key document providing strategic direction on future forest management and the restoration of woodlands in the Cairngorms National Park over the next two decades. It helps to ensure that future forestry activity is directed to where it matters most and that other important habitats and activities such as the management of farms, moorland, wetland and recreational resources also benefit.
For more information
The Cairngorms Nature Strategy Group will provide strategic leadership of Cairngorms Nature, overseeing the development of the partnership and the delivery of the Action Plan.
Andy Ford Conservation Manager, tel 01479 870558