Our Board and Planning Committee meetings are normally conducted in public.
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Cairngorms Tourism Partnership
19th October, 2020
Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference
Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 19th October 2020, 11am.
1.Welcome and introductions
Present: Janet Hunter (Chair), Grant Moir, Chris Foy, Laurie Piper, Belinda Miller, Jackie Apologies: Heather Trench, Pete Crane, Murray Ferguson, Geva Blackett, Rhona Fraser, Colin, Chris Taylor, Mark Tate It should be noted most usual attendees are currently on leave, and those who were able to attend had either broken off from holiday or just returned to work.2.Respond
Brief updates on new key issues not appearing elsewhere on agendaDMOs
Visit Aberdeenshire survey results mirrored CBP’s survey and showed there are similar trends for all areas. It highlighted market issues, what’s happening and how to open and showed there are problems with wasted stock and lost bookings. This is also mirrored in Moray SpeysideVisitScotland
No updateBusiness Support agencies
Coronavirus Restrictions Hardship Fund – This opens tomorrow until 5th November. Grants will be dependent on businesses rateable value and it was stated that some criteria set out for eligibility will be very hard to prove i.e. lost bookings. It was noted the process is confusing and unclear. CBP have issued some easy to follow information regards the Fund but full details can be found on the Government website here. Unemployment – Figures show an increasingly bleak picture which is likely to worsen PACE figures since April show 1,800 people have been notified of redundancy in Aberdeenshire, with 6500 in Aberdeen City. The worst affected industries are energy, hospitality and retail. Comparison figures for March to August of people who have gone onto Universal Credit are: Aberdeenshire and City - 105% increase; Highland, including rural areas - 85% increase; Tayside - 70% increase.3.Reset
Nothing to note4.Restart
Visitor Management Issues – CNPA
Rangers have reported that although they are still busy things are a lot calmer. It was noted the seasonal rangers’ contracts come to an end at the end of October although there will be 2 rangers kept on during the winter to help prepare for the next season. There is work ongoing at a national level with CNPA sitting on the Visitor Management Steering Group and leading on the Investment/Infrastructure sub-group. VS is leading on comms and Police Scotland on enforcement. Scottish Land and Estatesmeeting on visitor management was held on 8 Oct 2020 and was followed up on 21 October with G Moir doing a presentation to SLE training day on visitor management challenges and solutions. Plans for end-of-season review with Visitor Management Group Survey Monkey has been used to collect views from people as to what worked and what could be improved. Results will be collated in a report to go to Board at end of November. The end of season review is being held on 28 October. RTIF - Loch Muick and Ben A Ghlo bids were not submitted. However, Lock Muick car park may be taken forward by the Estate.5.Recover
Cairngorms Tourism Partnership 9th Nov Cairngorms Tourism Partnership meeting 9th Nov - Agenda required. – Action: Pete Crane The CBP held a discussion on 5th Oct with businesses that took part in original group which resulted in #CairngormsTogether. Janet and Grant attended the round table session organised by the CBP with Fergus Ewing and Kate Forbes focusing on hospitality and tourism. Green Recovery Fund has been able to take 13 projects forward including CBP’s application for the work on campervans welcome and facilities. Funicular business case has been approved and work will start on funicular in November (subject to planning conditions being purified). Hopes to complete by winter 2021. CNPA Board 27th November 2020. Will be looking at end of season review and an update of the Green Recovery plan – papers will be in public domain by 20th Nov.6. AOB
FLS Glenmore meeting 26thOct FLS will be leading this meeting with CNPA supporting and will discuss what may be put in place for 2021 with local community. Blairgowrie and East Perthshire meeting 3rd Nov Janet will be attending and facilitating with Mark Tate giving a presentation on the Snow Roads. The meeting will discuss tourism in Glenshee and surrounding area, how it can be reinvigorated/reenergised and where people would like it to go.7. Date of next meeting
2nd November @ 11am. This will give the group an opportunity to discuss how half term has gone and temporary measures may have changed.Cairngorms Tourism Partnership
28th September, 2020
Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via video-conference
Cairngorms Tourism Partnership
14th September, 2020
Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference
Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 14th September 2020, 11am.
1.Welcome and introductions
Present: Janet, Geva, Murray, Laurie, Pete, Chris T, Grant, Alistair Apologies: Heather, Mark, Rona, Chris, Colin S2.Respond
New Moray Speyside promotional video being ‘gently’ released Business TBID invoices 25% payment at last assessment. Tourism Infrastructure Fund bids focussing on 8 campervan disposal points and Bow Fiddle Rock car parking. MS, Visit Cairngorms & Loch Ness collectively in discussion with HIE over 3 yr funding bid to support market development extending the visitor season with a strategic approach to ‘new’ market development.Visit Scotland
Covid-19 changes to ‘six gathering’ is currently, short term, impacting on B&B’s, larger self-catering, and tours. Four & Five Star hotels booking well, three and lower less so – overall rates lower. The need for DMO’s work clearly demonstrated this summer & VS in discussion with HIE on collective support. VS developing winter promotion – VS keen to hear of areas/activities that are in need to promotion or are ‘too busy’AC
Similar mixed feedback with some businesses doing well others less so. Tourism Infrastructure Fund bids being worked up for Braemar and Ballater Virtual Highland Games well received; 154,000 views in 24 hrs, 225,000 in 48 hrs – mostly NZ, Australia, USA, and Europe.CNPA
Tourism Infrastructure Fund bids being worked up for Loch Muick car park & traffic management, Beinn a Ghlo (Blair Atholl) car park and Dinnet visitor management. Outdoor Education Centres collectively campaigning for Scottish Gov support – there are a large number of the centres are in and around Cairngorms3.Reset
Overview of consumer insights and other research - Scottish Tourism Index – wave 44.Restart
Visitor Management Issues – still busy across CNP and anticipated to continue through to October half terms. Land Managers meetings now fortnightly with a specific focus each meeting on; campervans (9 Sept), traffic management and visitor man planning. Longer end of season review 28th October. Media very interested in CNPA mid-term review with their focus on the increase in irresponsible behaviour. CNPA focus being on partnership delivery of reopening, significant but ‘still small’ increase in irresponsible behaviour and responsible behaviour by vast majority of visitors, and the need to plan now for 2021.5.Recover
- RTIF applications covered in 2. CNPA and partners encouraged to share their views with VS on how to make the scheme more effective. Advantages of Scotland wide approach and focus to solving problems such as ‘campervan waste’ agreed with a longer term 3yr+ approach to solving such agreed needs.6.Any Other Updates
Scottish Gov 14 Sept, national partnership meeting looked at how to improve rural visitor experience recognising the need to address both infrastructure and behaviour change. There are likely to be two national groups emerging to shape this work –- Visitor Infrastructure
- Visitor Engagement – education, messaging & enforcement
- HIE announced they are providing £3m of support to DMOs across the HIE area as part of their response to COVID-19.
- EventScotland will host a webinar tomorrow (Tuesday) on Monetising Online Events.
- There was an update and Q&A published about the Events Industry Advisory Group.
- The Events Industry Support Fund closed today; the Hotels Support Programme closed on 4 September with 214 submissions representing 325 hotels.
- Timings and guidance was shared for the Cultural Organisations and Venues Recovery Fund, administered by Creative Scotland.
- The latest minutes from STERG (3 Sep) were published. Feedback from STERG on the first draft of the Tourism Task Force report has been collated and is currently being reviewed; work on the draft continues, particularly on the prioritisation criteria which will be used to sort the proposed recommendations.
- VisitScotland are convening a ‘responsible camping’ summit this week, to be chaired by Fergus Ewing MSP.
- VisitScotland published a blog on 7 Quirky Aberdeen Streets with Great Places to Stay (also translated into Dutch).
- VisitScotland launched a series of short films promoting the regions of Scotland, including one for Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire, which has already had 48K views.
- VisitBritain will launch their new £5 million autumn domestic campaign, #EscapeTheEveryday, this Wednesday. Industry are invited to take part by sharing their three favourite tips for escaping the everyday. The campaign is designed to inspire consumers to travel and book a UK break this autumn onwards to help with industry recovery. Campaign assets are also available for use. It is thought the campaign will have a strong focus on cities.
- Stories of Aberdeenshire, a joint project between VisitScotland and the Elphinstone Institute launched today. The £100k LEADER-funded project researched traditional folklore, song and crafts in Aberdeenshire and created a suite of marketing content, promoted throughout Scotland with a modest paid advertising budget. Industry and heritage organisations are invited to share the assets and their own #StoriesofAberdeenshire throughout September and October.
- Festival UK*2022 launched for applications. The festival aims to enable ten ‘open, original, optimistic, large-scale and extraordinary acts of public engagement that will showcase the UK's creativity and innovation to the world’. £12m has been earmarked for project delivery within Scotland.
- A new multi-purpose digital arena was proposed for a prominent site next to Slessor Gardens at Dundee’s billion pound waterfront. The future arena would host circa 4,000 seats and an esports academy for further and higher education.
- The Scottish Government published its Programme for Government; highlights specifically relating to tourism can be found on the STA website.
7.Date of next meeting
28th Sept 2020 11.00 – 12.00Cairngorms Tourism Partnership
31st August, 2020
Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference
Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 31st August 2020, 11am.
1.Welcome and introductions
Present: Janet, Murray, Mark, Pete, Colin, Chris T, Chris F, Rhona, Alistair, Apologies: Geva, Heather, Laurie (IT issue), Grant2.Respond
CBP – exceptionally busy six weeks but clear that many tourism businesses still challenged. Work ongoing on autumn promotion looking at encouraging visitors into November and December Visit Aberdeen – focus on reputation recovery; city bookings down 70% on 2019 for August. Positive promotion through Virtual Highland Games – due out 12th September MoraySpeyside – Updating partners on the TBID - HIE - awaiting feed from Scottish Gov on business case for repairing funicular. Feedback on CairnGorm Mt master plan extended to 14th Sept. Hotel Fund launched THC – New, cross service, Tourism Committee to meet 1st October. Decision making to be determined. CNPA offered to provide update to meeting sharing what has work well and what needs to improve for 2021 Committee comprises: Chair: Ms M Smith (SNP) Vice Chair: Mr G Adam (Lib Dem) Mr R Bremner (SNP) Dr I Cockburn (SNP) Mr C Fraser (SNP) Mr J Gordon (Ind) Mr A Henderson (Ind) Mr A Jarvie (Con) Mr B Lobban (Ind) Mr S Mackie (Con) Mr D Macpherson (Ind) Mr H Morrison (ind) Mrs M Paterson (Ind) Mr D Rixson (Lib Dem) AC highlighted ongoing Business Recovery Fund Visit Scotland: The Events Industry Support Fund will comprise of a grant of up to £10,000 ,per business, to support businesses in the events industry, particularly those in the supply chain that are facing hardship and will be awarded as they are received UK research indicating more people more confident in a range of activities – eating out, visiting attractions and staying in hotels (more likely than self-catering in autumn) with 2-3 night stay popular.3.Reset
- Hotel support funding - - Overview of consumer insights and other research – Snap shot from seasonal ranger research (156 interviews)- Unsurprisingly, the biggest change is a collapse in the number of international visitors. In August 2019, 38% of visitors interviewed were from overseas. In 2020 only 4 of the 156 were from overseas, all from continental Europe.
- Looking only at domestic UK visitors, there was a slight decrease in visitors from England, from 42% of domestic visitors in 2019 to 33% in 2020.
- Looking at visitors from Scotland, 65% were on an overnight trip rather than a day visit, a slight increase from 60% in 2019.
- There was only a very modest increase in first-time visitors. 27% said that they had not visited the National Park before, compared with 23% of domestic visitors in August 2019.
- There appears to be a slight shift towards a younger demographic, with an increase in visitors under the age of 35, and a decrease in those older compared with domestic visitors in August 2020.
Visitor Management Issues – busy at Muir of Dinnet and Glen Tanar, road open to Loch Muick & addition car park used at Mar Lodge. Glenmore busy but less than previous weeks. Graffiti on Ryvoan Bothy widely reported on social media. Visitor Services & Communications CNPA board paper -11th September celebrating partnership work of this group and Land Managers (circulated when on line) followed by Plans for end-of-season review with Visitor Management Group Business re-opening situation and issues – exceptionally challenging for many businesses coping with the same economic input of ‘three winters’. Easing of Furlough is likely to lead to further bankruptcy Communications Framework phase 3/4 messages – CNPA focus on responsible access, opportunities in and around communities (away from ‘big six’ outdoor hot spots). Virtual Wee Walks Week promoted 3rd week in September. CBP working with VS on messaging new audience about camping and campervans. BBC Social using new influences to promote responsible access. - Feedback from community meetings 27th August – attendance lower than in ‘lockdown’ indicating concerns had not turned into as many problems as feared, and lots of positive feedback from the collective partnership working. Tensions between the need for visitors and having visitors still an issue in some communities.5.Recover
- RTIF applications – CNPA looking at three applications car parks nr Blair Atholl, Loch Muich and campsite/car parks at Muir of Dinnet. Aberdeenshire and car park improvements in Braemar and Ballater. - Autumn marketing plans – CBP developing late autumn marketing, updates to follow6.Any Other Updates
VS & HIE, with Campa, considering ways how to improve and better promote campervan infrastructure. Involvement of Judith Young (Scot Gov lead) and SE not clear – more info needed as work develops THC worked with Scottish Water and SEPA on campervan waste options in rural areas – paper to follow when agreed by partners.7.Date of next meeting
14th September 11.00 – 12.00Cairngorms Tourism Partnership
17th August, 2020
Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference