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20th July, 2020

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group
20th July 2020, 11am. 

Present: Janet, Geva, Murray, Pete, Mark, Chris T, Chris F, Laurie, Audrey Michie

Apologies: Grant, Heather, Alistair, Rhona, Colin

1.Welcome and introductions


Janet welcomed Audrey Michie who attended on behalf of Alistair Reid form Aberdeenshire Council


Brief updates on new key issues from DMOs, VisitScotland and Business Support agencies

 VisitAberdeenshire – Plans re developing with Highland Games Association in Braemar, and indeed the wider Games’ network, to host a behind-closed-doors event at the Braemar arena at the end of August. Main outcome is to be promotion of the Cairngorms with VisitAberdeeshire – not green lighted yet – CF will send a brief summary round to the group of what it may turn in to.

Moray Speyside Tourism – have had ongoing issues at Board level, things came to a head which led to 7 Directors resigning. The company now in a good place and have achieved more in 3 weeks than in they did in 5 months.

VisitScotland – £3million campaign launched which has had good engagement ramping up the OTA moving from Scotland to the whole of the UK. VS is seeing much stronger interest from overseas, than thought would happen.

iCentres – phased reopening programme, all opening up over next couple of weeks. Aviemore plus 4 others opening today, with another set to open next week. Calls for Deeside centres to open ASAP.


Overview of consumer insights and other research


  • 3rd wave of Scottish Tourism Index report shows that Scots very keen to stay in Scotland and that the rest of the UK keen to come to Scotland particular Highlands and rural Scotland – 56 degree presenting to CBP at 10am tomorrow – MT will send round Zoom link
  • Visitor Survey final report and 2019 STEAM – 41% responded gave the National Park 10/10 – Should have new visitor data post covid by end of month which should give us an indication of what our visitors are looking for over the next 18 months.
  • CBP occupancy survey– this survey gets repeated at beginning of each month, the main purpose is to ask accommodation businesses to let us know what forward bookings they have for the next three months. This will assist us with our winter campaign as it will begin to show occupancy into October – which we then feed in to tourist attractions to assess what the future demand is.


Visitor Management Issues – CNPA

  • CNPA still getting data in but it’s been a very chaotic weekend round Deeside and Cairngorm/Glenmore with majority of issues being round roads, camping behaviour, littering and human waste. There was a massive number of cars in in excess of car parks especially at sites like Muir of Dinnet, Glen Muick.
  • What went on at Glenmore was entirely predictable and was predicted – prime responsibility needs to sit with the landowners – concerns about lack of action taken by FLS. This has been raised with them. More active onsite management is required. Paul Hibbard is on leave for 3 weeks, MF spoke to Graham Prest who is now committed to getting things fixed, and indicating tougher approach to parking enforcement. CNPA are meeting with FLS and others this afternoon to discuss what can been done. CNPA do have powers that they could use to step in and sort this but these are not things that can be done quickly.
  • MF circulated the press release from Scottish Government about visitor behaviour and outdoor access rights. Fergus Ewing MSP is aware of all the issues going on. We need to use the power we have available
  • Deeside had a huge deluge of people, main issues were not enough toilet facilities, bins etc. Geva to talk to Pete C further about what happened in Deeside.
  • Geva has circulated the e-mail that she sent to the Chief Inspector for Aberdeenshire about problems with motor bikes. The Police have come back to say they are tasking patrols across Deeside.
  • MF to send e-mail update to the group with report from visitor management group.

provision of visitor facilities

  • Angus Glens, Loch Muick, Crathie toilets are still shut and this is causing issues

camping & campervans

  • Our strategy is to make sure that we have really good information, promote the facilities that do exist. In meantime CNPA is in discussion with THC and other about improvements of facilities – priority is around public toilet and waste management.

Business re-opening situation and issues – DMOs

  • Most places are now open in some form, just wanting for Strathspey Railway to see what they are doing. Braemar Games Centre still closed, Highland Folk Museum should open next week.
  • Launched the Protect online App to collect customer contact – has had a good take up on that


Communications Framework phase 3 messages – CNPA / CBP

  • Access Video launched last week, very effective, really positive feedback.
  • Edit of shorter version of that video will go out later this week

Outdoor retailer access communications project

  • Chris Tiso meeting with CNPA and CBP – good positive meeting, lots of actions came out of it, working on various things like joint blogs and putting messages on their website about positive access behaviour
  • Opportunity to do something local with Aviemore Tiso, and how working towards how do we do a similar thing nationally


CNPA Green Recovery Plan

  • Criteria for that is getting approved – criteria coming out in August

HIE adventure tourism project

  • Getting promoted – scheme is only eligibly in the HIE area – i.e. Highland and Moray and Mark will get onto promoting it to businesses

6.Any Other Updates

Nothing to report

7.Date of next meeting

Monday 3rd August at 11am

Relevant papers will be available here shortly before the meeting.