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1st March, 2021

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group
1st March 2021, 11am.

Present: Janet, Murray, Pete, Heather, Mark, Chris F, Chris T, Grant, Laurie, Alistair, Colin.

Apologies: Rhona, Belinda, Geva

1.Welcome and introductions


Business Support update

Colin and Alistair gave an update on the local authority managed funding schemes:

– The strategic framework funding is relatively straightforward, though Aberdeenshire have had to deal with enquiries from many ineligible businesses.

– The discretionary fund in Highland has had some technical issues around uploading supporting information.  If additional funding is made available, it is likely that the threshold for support will be dropped to those businesses suffering a 30% drop in income.  Aberdeenshire’s scheme already has a 30% threshold.  It is likely that any further funding here would increase the level of support received by eligible businesses.

– Details of the new B&B scheme have not yet been released, as criteria are proving more complicated than expected.

– There remains an issue with the large self-catering premises scheme in that owners of multiple premises are excluded unless there are at least 7 beds in one single property.  The Scottish Government have been asked to reconsider this.

In discussion it was flagged up that there still remain a small number of businesses falling through gaps in support.  However a larger problem is that the amount of support for businesses varies widely.  Fixed levels of support from some schemes means that some businesses will have no drop in income, while others are receiving only a small percentage of their usual income.  There is also an issue where businesses have diversified, as many new schemes are targeting specific sectors.

Key issues from DMOs

–          There has been disappointment and anger from many businesses about the lack of business re-opening information in the Scottish Government’s Strategic Framework update last week.  Discussions about what that framework looks like are taking place with business groups to try to influence decision such as support for level 2 businesses when visitors cannot travel from level 3 & 4 areas.  It is key that information is available ASAP to allow businesses to plan for re-opening and marketing.  As things stand, businesses are missing bookings from an English market currently able to book in England with more confidence.

–          There are also frustrations about delays to some of the business support schemes.

–          Moray Council are planning some visitor management interventions this summer, including from campervans which has caused some issues with campsites.

–          News of a few cases of the Brazilian covid variant arriving in Aberdeen may have communications implications for VistAberdeenshire.

VisitScotland Overview

VisitScotland and the wider STERG group are liaising with government on the need to give business clarity on lead times for re-opening.  220 VS staff are currently working on the 13 funding schemes they administer, which is a significant proportion of overall staff.  There are dedicated emails for each scheme if businesses have questions about them.  Because they are working to allocate fixed levels of funding, there will be a period of analysing applications and processing appeals after the application deadline before awards can be made.  The timescale for schemes varies, but a press release will be issued this week to give an update.


 Strategic Framework update 23/2/21

It was agreed that it might be appropriate for CTP to add to the many voices calling for clarity for business re-opening, particularly around support for level 2 businesses within a tiered system that stops many visitors from travelling.  It may also pick up other areas of concern from the ‘Re-opening With Confidence’ meetings. Janet and Murray to liaise on this after the meetings.


Re-opening with Confidence – #cairngormstogether community meetings 01/03/21

Three separate meetings are planned, for community councils, local councillors and an open meeting for all interested residents. It was noted that there are a lot of business owners registered for the open meeting.

National visitor management groups

– Communications subgroups have been feeding information on the various themes together, with a campaign due to be in place by 1st April, including TV advertising.  The enforcement group is also meeting shortly.

Other relevant recent or upcoming meetings

–          Cairngorms Local Outdoor Access Forum met last week and agreed slightly stronger messaging, particularly around fires.

–          3rd March: National Parks UK Comms campaign meeting.

–          8th March: FLS Glenmore community meeting

–          10th March: CNP ‘Managing for Visitors’ group meetings restart.  Ranger service meetings also planned over the next couple of weeks.

–          12th March: CNPA board meeting, including Green Recovery Fund, permanent ranger service & capital funding.

–          19th March: Stakeholder group meeting with Fergus Ewing

Messaging for Easter and re-opening.

The current ‘Stay at Home’ restriction is due to be lifted on Easter Monday (5th April) and that is expected to lead to increased number of local visitors.  Even with movement restricted to local authority level, there are a potential 850,000 legal visitors.

There was a discussion about better communicating alternative locations, such as the community path networks.  This could be done through, for example, local media.  However it was acknowledged that the majority of visitors will still want to visit honeypot sites and provision of adequate facilities at these key locations was the priority.

A CNPA / CBP meeting has been set-up for 9th March to discuss a communications plan in more detail.  Other DMOs are welcome to join as well if they wish.


Nothing to discuss

6.Any Other Updates

Nothing raised.

Date of next meeting

Monday 15th March 2021 @ 11am

Relevant papers will be available here shortly before the meeting.