Cairngorms Tourism Partnership
19th July, 2021
Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference
Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group
19th July 2021
Present: Janet, Murray, Pete, Mark, Jason, Chris F, Rhona
Apologies: Colin, Chris T, Geva, Grant, Heather, Laurie
- Welcome and introductions
- The Chair welcomed CBP’s new Destination Development Manager, Jason Martin, who started today.
Business Support Update
- No detailed update as Rhona, returned from leave today.
Aberdeenshire Council
- Discretionary fund waiting for committee approval for Phase 3.
- Supporting businesses that are re-opening, getting the confidence to open.
- Visitor numbers are ok, could be better, still some issues of staffing shortages.
- Some indications of moving toward ‘business as usual’ with enquires starting to return to normal.
Key issues from DMOs
- Biggest issues facing businesses at moment is lack of staff, particularly hospitality businesses. Isolation period is causing businesses significant challenges. There are challenges for staff moving into the area due to cost and supply of accommodation: there is a need to look at long term solutions.
- Mark attending a meeting with Kate Forbes MSP and 10 of the larger employers tomorrow. Specific asks to Government to take some leadership to find some medium and long term solutions. Hoping outcome will be a Government lead summit.
- Reputational challenges – need to look at CNPA Consultation for NPPP4, using that mechanism to pick up on the medium to long term solutions.
- Quarterly business survey has been done with results by Thursday shared. Staffing issues weren’t picked up on as survey went live before it became an issue.
- Sustainable tourism strategy completed with programme running seminars
- Marketing campaigns – destination marketing Shire-specific activity in the autumn
- Tour of Britain, Stage 8, 12 Sept, Aberdeenshire – comms meeting tomorrow, and announcements about stages are due to be made soon. Tour of Britain | Stage Eight
Managing for visitors update:
- Rangers are encountering mostly positive behaviour but the ‘hot spots’ were busy this weekend with the roads temporarily closed at Linn of Dee, Muir of Dinnet, Glen Muick
- Substantial increase in wild campers with 319 tents being counted.
- Variable signs installed at Glenmore and Linn of Dee, some local feedback is that the variable signs are not giving enough information
- Behaviour is generally better than last year (esp in relation to fires), but still seeing some irresponsible behaviour.
- Wild camping is still causing issues but better than last year, positive behavioural changes.
- Opportunity to put a press release/blog out from Janet thanking people on what positive behaviour looks like.
- Camper van leaflet being reprinted, Rangers find these very useful to positively engage campervan users
- Waiting to hear from Highland Council regarding when they can put the double yellow lines on the Glenmore road.
- Keep Scotland Beautiful – Mike Woolvin attended the meeting and is working to encourage communities who have had funding to help get them going to organised litter picking events.
Action: MF/JH to work with OD and Comms team to put together a press release, probably associated with community meetings.
Working with Police Scotland
- CNPA/FLS/Highland Council are now funding Police Scotland for additional patrols at weekends on Friday and Saturday evenings over the next 6 weeks – a press release will be put out on that soon.
- Police Scotland were out on the ground at Glenmore at the weekend until about 10.15pm. They were very engaging with the Rangers and visitors, and saw how their presence is required – this is a good start to partnership working.
- General issues of concerns in some parts of the Park, most acutely felt and dealt with is in Deeside.
- Loch Kinord – Nature Scot have put in place Local Access Guidance to discourage people from using the loch until end of August (nesting season) and avoid disturbing wildlife. NS is monitoring situation so that better arrangements can be in place for next year.
Heritage Horizons and Tourism Declares
- CNPA have been successful with bid to NLHF for Cairngorms 2030 project bringing £50M to the Park from partner bodies. Much work to be done over the next 7 years -the project starts with a 2 year development phase and 5 years delivery phase.
- The initial first step is the recruitment of staff, with 13 new posts to be recruited in time.
- Tourism Declares – some consideration is being given to participating in this initiative from Tourism Declares for the destination,
- CNPA will bring NLHF to CNP tourism partnership to discuss at a meeting in August MT/MF to discuss business involvement
Tourism Recovery Plan – EV infrastructure
- JH/MF meeting with Janie later in the week, will have more of an update then.
North East Adventure Tourism
- Paul McCafferty & Jennifer Craw had a positive meeting recently about NE Adventure Tourism Project. Gavin Miles (CNPA Head of Planning) and PC will follow up with Will Clarke
- Any Other Updates
Communities Meeting
- Janet, Grant MT and PC be attending the meeting on the 29th Janet asked that any feedback from individuals is passed to her before the meeting.
Ministerial Visits
- There will be a few Ministerial visits going to happen in the area, OD is co-coordinating that process.
- Date of next meeting
Will continue with monthly meetings -next meeting will be on Monday 16th August.
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