Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27
The National Park Partnership Plan is the management plan for the Cairngorms National Park, which has been approved by Scottish Ministers

Find out more about the Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 on our new microsite!
This plan covers all areas of life and work within the National Park, from conservation to land management, local communities and the economy to tourism and recreation. The new website also highlights our main objectives and the targets we have set to meet them.
View our new micrositeWhat is the National Park Partnership Plan?
The National Park Partnership Plan sets out how all those with a responsibility for the National Park will coordinate their work to tackle the most important issues. In particular, this plan:
- Sets out the vision and overarching strategy for managing the National Park.
- Guides the work of all public bodies and other partners to deliver the aims of the National Park.
- Provides the strategic context for the Local Development Plan.
- Is the Strategic Regional Land Use Framework and Regional Spatial Strategy for the National Park.
- Is the Economic and Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the National Park.
The document is arranged in three sections: Nature, People and Place. Each section sets out an overall outcome to be achieved by 2045 (in line with The Scottish Government’s net zero targets), plus a series of long-term objectives and key targets or indicators of progress. Each of these targets is supported by a set of actions and policies for the next five years.
Short Guide to the Partnership Plan (PDF | 1.6MB)
Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan – Accessible version (PDF | 1.5MB)
Supporting documents

View the Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27
You can download the Park Partnership Plan. As the file is large it may take a while to download but you can also view an accessible flipbook version below.
Download the Park Partnership Plan (PDF | 9.6 MB)
The Cairngorms is the UK’s largest national park, home to one quarter of the UK’s rare and endangered species. We’ll take action to protect and enhance the area’s natural heritage.
Going beyond net zero
We will work with independent experts to achieve net zero and go beyond it well before Scotland’s 2045 target.
Expanding woodland
- We will join up and expand woodland across the Cairngorms, whilst protecting in-bye agricultural land.
Restoring peatland
- We will trap carbon by restoring the equivalent of 40 football pitches per week of degraded peatland.
Helping habitats thrive
We will restore precious habitats across the Park and help species thrive, including action on capercaillie, beaver and raptors.
Reducing deer impacts
We will reduce the number and impact of deer and other herbivores to allow our woodland and peatland to recover.
Managing land sustainably
We will work with farmers and other land managers to encourage sustainable land management that delivers benefits for climate and nature.
Green investment
We will attract responsible private investment to help fund nature’s recovery, sharing the benefits with communities, workers and landowners.
We want people and nature to thrive together in the Cairngorms National Park. To achieve this, we will develop and support a local economy that works for all our communities.
A thriving population
- We will increase the working-age population of the Park, supported by a growing number of Real Living Wage employers.
Focusing on wellbeing
- We will put people and planet first by promoting local business, connecting people with nature and tackling inequality.
Developing green jobs
- We will create apprenticeships and other training opportunities for local people to benefit from the growth in green jobs.
Being a Park for All
- We will develop targeted programmes to tackle inequality and ensure that anyone can visit and enjoy the National Park.
Empowering communities
- We will help communities shape the future of their area, including planning, land ownership and support for social enterprise.
Improving people’s health
- We will work with the NHS and other partners to connect people to nature and improve their mental and physical health.
Supporting volunteers
- We will expand volunteer opportunities for people from all backgrounds, benefiting nature and participants’ health and wellbeing.
Anyone that wishes to live in, work in or visit the National Park should be able to do so, but we recognise that a number of barriers still exist. Here we set out how we will tackle them.
More affordable housing
- We will increase access to affordable housing and reduce the number of second homes, vacant or short-term let properties.
Transforming transport
- We will improve public transport for residents, commuters and visitors, better connecting communities and reducing private car usage.
Connecting communities
- We will join up communities by increasing the number of safe and fully accessible paths and cycle routes across the Park.
Reducing tourism impacts
- We will work with businesses to reduce the environmental impacts of tourism, ensuring the Cairngorms leads the way on sustainable tourism.
Welcoming visitors
- We will encourage people to visit quieter areas of the Park and come outside peak season to reduce pressure on local communities.
Helping communities thrive
- We will support local businesses and communities to ensure our village and town centres flourish, both now and in the future.
Celebrating cultural heritage
- We will protect and celebrate the Park’s rich cultural heritage, giving everyone the opportunity to learn about our historic environment and culture.
News & Announcements

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