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Publication | 2009

Description: This document sets out the collective changes being proposed by officers in statements of evidence, which are put forward as proposed post inquiry modifications to the Local Plan. They take into account the objections raised, the wording of the policy or proposal as proposed in the Deposit Local Plan,…More

Publication | 2009

An Information Sheet for Land Managers, which explains how the Cairngorms National Park Authority can help you manage outdoor access.

Publication | 2009

This list contains details of all the core documents which will be referred to during the Inquiry.

Publication | 2009

The present Cairngorms National Park Local Plan will be replaced by a Local Development Plan.  The Development Plan Scheme (DPS) outlines how the CNPA will prepare the Local Development Plan, and it includes the publication of a timetable and shows how the public will be encouraged to engage fully with…More

Publication | 2009

The following topic papers set out background information which will be used by the CNPA in support of its evidence at the Local Plan Inquiry.

Advisory Forum | 2009

Meeting | 2009

Meeting | 2009

Publication | 2009

The Badenoch & Strathspey Corridor Study aims to highlight to 51 visitor attractions in the area how they can improve transport provision and information for their visitors. The Plan has been completed with support from the Energy Savings Trust (EST), LEADER and the CNPA. The visitor attractions will be able…More

Meeting | 2009

Publication | 2009

This is a list of frequently asked questions which you may find useful.

Publication | 2009

This guidance has been written to help event organisers and land managers in the planning and management of organised outdoor events in the Park. It will also be of interest to many other people, including community groups and public agencies and anyone who is interested in outdoor events and how…More

Meeting | 2009