Publications & Resources
Cairngorms LBAP Newsletter
Publication | 2008
The Cairngorms LBAP newsletter contains information on LBAP projects and events taking place throughout the Park.
Highland Aspen Group Newsletter
Publication | 2008
This Newsletter gives updates on Aspen projects and research being carried out in the area and includes a Membership form if you wish to join the Highland Aspen Group.
HAG Newsletter - PDF Download (1.56MB)
Cairngorms Local Biodiversity Action Plan
Publication | 2008
The Cairngorms has an important and unique biodiversity resource and this Plan outlines the mechanisms being put in place to protect and conserve habitats and species throughout the area.
- There are 7 associated files. List all files for this resource
Planning Committee
Meeting | 2008
2008 Outdoor Access Annual Event
Publication | 2008
The 2008 Annual Event took place in Braemar Village Hall on Saturday 27th September and 53 people participated in the event. A full Report of the event is available to download below. If you attended the event and would like to send us feedback, please use the Evaluation form below and…More
2008 Report on Annual Event - PDF Download (24.48KB)
2008 Evaluation form - PDF Download (12.31KB)
Forests of the Cairngorms - Forest and Woodland Framework
Publication | 2008
This Framework has been produced as a guide for the management of forests and woodland in the Cairngorms National Park. It’s the first of a range of frameworks covering major land management activities within the Park.
Planning Committee
Meeting | 2008
Draft Core Paths Plan
Publication | 2008
This Draft Core Paths Plan has been prepared following periods of public consultation, community engagement and detailed discussions with key stakeholders and the four Local Authorities. The Plan was published for public consultation from 01 April to 30 June 2008. Please note that all reponses will be made public.
- There are 29 associated files. List all files for this resource
Draft Core Paths Plan - Environmental Report
Publication | 2008
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report is published alongside the Draft Core Paths Plan for use during a public consultation period which runs for three months to 30 June 2008. The Report assesses the potential environmental effects that the Draft Core Paths Plan may have on the environment.
- There are 9 associated files. List all files for this resource
Draft Core Paths Plan - Appropriate Assessment for Natura
Publication | 2008
The Draft Core Paths Plan is subject to the requirements of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive. This requirement is that plans likely to have a significant effect on Natura 2000 sites – Special Protection Ares (SPA’s) or Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) – can only be approved after an…More
Paths for the Park Newsletter - April 2008
Publication | 2008
This is the second issue of Paths for the Park newsletter which will give you the latest information on core paths planning in the Cairngorms National Park.
Finance & Delivery Committee
Meeting | 2008
Planning Committee
Meeting | 2008
Board Meeting
Meeting | 2008
Audit & Risk Committee
Meeting | 2008