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Publications & Resources

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Publication | 2007

This leaflet contains details of a bursary scheme, launched in January 2007, which is aimed at Cairngorms National Park residents aged 16-24.  Managed and funded by the CNPA, the scheme is designed to help young residents gain skills to work in the National Park.

Publication | 2007

The Cairngorms National Park Authority newsletter is produced three times a year and is designed to keep everyone who lives in the National Park, up to date with the many initiatives and projects that the Authority is involved in throughout the area.

Publication | 2007

This report presents the results of an audit of public transport services within the Cairngorms National Park. The contents include the results and analysis of resident and visitor surveys; a review of existing public transport provision; a literature review of suitable exemplars elsewhere; development of a framework for partnership to…More

Meeting | 2007

Meeting | 2006

Meeting | 2006

Meeting | 2006

Meeting | 2006

Meeting | 2006

Annual Report / Accounts | 2006

This is the Park Authority’s third Annual Report covering its activities and achievements.

Meeting | 2006