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Publication | 2017

Read Please download the PDFs below which contain background information and the preferred options for development. Give Feedback Tell us what you think by answering the following question: Do you agree that the new Local Development Plan should include an amended policy to reflect the Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan’s…More

Publication | 2017

Read Please download the PDFs below which contain background information and the preferred options for development. Give Feedback Tell us what you think by answering the following question: Do you agree that the new Local Development Plan should include a stronger policy requirement for Sustainable Drainage Schemes to be considered…More

Publication | 2017

Read Please download the PDFs below which contain background information and the preferred options for development. Give Feedback Tell us what you think by answering the following question: Do you agree that the new Local Development Plan should include a revised and more rigorously justified policy on planning obligations? Do…More

Publication | 2017

Read Please download the PDFs below which contain background information and the preferred options for development. Give Feedback Tell us what you think by answering the following question: Do you agree that the new Local Development Plan should include a more co-ordinated approach towards delivering wider packages of capercaillie mitigation…More

Publication | 2017

Read Please download the PDFs below which contain background information and the preferred options for development. Give Feedback Tell us what you think by answering the following question: Do you agree that the new Local Development Plan should identify a limited number of new economic development sites?

Publication | 2017

Read Please download the PDFs below which contain background information and the preferred options for development. Give Feedback Tell us what you think by answering the following question: Do you agree that we should include long term development land in the Local Development Plan which could be released for development…More

Publication | 2017

Read Please download the PDFs below which contain background information and the preferred options for development. Give Feedback Tell us what you think by answering the following question: Do you agree with our proposals to allocate new employment land to take advantage of the opportunities for inward investment associated with…More

Meeting | 2017

Meeting | 2017

Meeting | 2017

Meeting | 2017