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Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022: Habitat Regulation Appraisal


28th April, 2017

This document outlines the Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) of the National Park Partnership Plan (NPPP) 2017-2022.

This document is the ‘Screening Report’ of the NPPP and covers the preliminary stages of the HRA process:

  •  the identification of protected areas;
  •  the collection of data;
  •  the assessment of the effects NPPP outcomes and policies may have on these protected sites; and
  •  the identification of existing objectives from other plans, policies and programmes and details on projects which would, in combination with the NPPP, be likely have a significant negative effect on any international nature conservation site.

Documents relating to earlier stages of the SEA process can be accessed via the following link:

HRA of NPPP Consultation Document

5 files