Local Development Plan 2020 Schedule 4 Document
Local Development Plan
26th September, 2019
A total of 207 formal responses to the Proposed LDP consultation were received from a broad range of organisations and private individuals and to all parts of the Plan. The responses can be viewed on the Cairngorms National Park Authority’s website at:
The responses included comments of support, general comments and objections to parts of the Plan. Where representations raise issues of objection that are not considered can be resolved, they are covered in detail within the Schedule 4 documents.
Each issue is covered by:
- a list of those people and organisations who have unresolved representations;
- a summary of the relevant issues raised in representations;
- the modifications sought by representations to the Proposed Plan; and
- the CNPA’s response to the representations including the reasons for not modifying the Plan.
Where representations indicate support, or made only a comment on an issue, then these are not defined as unresolved issues and are not referred to in a Schedule 4 document. The Schedule 4 documents have been organised into 12 overarching issues:
- Issue 1: General
- Issue 2:Introductions, Vision and Strategy
- Issue 3: Policy 1: New Housing Development
- Issue 4: Policy 2: Supporting Economic Growth
- Issue 5: Protecting the Environment
- Issue 6: Delivering Infrastructure
- Issue 7: Badenoch and Strathspey Strategic Settlements
- Issue 8: Aberdeenshire Strategic and Intermediate Settlements
- Issue 9: Badenoch and Strathspey Intermediate Settlements
- Issue 10: Other Intermediate Settlements
- Issue 11: Rural Settlements
- Issue 12: Other Issues
Having reviewed the representations received during the Proposed Plan consultation the CNPA does not consider any significant changes to the Plan are required. Although representations have made objections to the Plan, the CNPA does not consider the significant changes sought are justified or desirable, they will therefore form part of the submission of the Proposed LDP to Scottish Ministers for examination by a Reporter.
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