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Visitor Management Plans

Visitor Management

11th June, 2020

The Visitor Management Plans for the Cairngorms National Park have been developed by the CNPA in partnership with Local Authorities, Police Scotland, Estates, CBP, VisitAberdeenshire, Angus Alive, SNH, FLS. They have been shared with Community Councils and with other organisations as required for input and feedback.  Communications, toilets, litter, car parking and ‘boots on the ground’ are all key issues the group is addressing to try and keep residents, employees and eventually visitors safe and able to have an enjoyable experience.  The Visitor Management Group meets weekly on a Wednesday to wash-up from the previous weekend and plan for the next weekend. The plans are changing every week, are still evolving and information is still being collated. They will be updated as we move through the lifting of COVID 19 restrictions phases and actions change.

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