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The Shinty Trail – Case Study

Screenshot of new Shinty Trail app

Developing The Shinty Trail Story-map

This case study provides a brief insight into the development of The Shinty Trail interactive storytelling resource. Along with our Cultural Heritage Interpretation Toolkit, it details the process of developing your own project from start to finish, condensing the journey into eight key steps covering different aspects of the project: from collaborative working to sourcing supporting material.

View The Shinty Trail Case Study

We hope this case study will serve as a useful starting point and guide when developing your own cultural heritage projects, and for those already underway, the case study can provide as a useful insight into the process.

Scroll through the guide below by using your mouse, or finger, if on a mobile device. You can also view the case study in full-screen by hovering over the resource with your mouse, selecting the three dots in the top right-hand corner, and clicking the small screen icon from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can download a Shinty Case Study (PDF | 203KB) which can easily be printed.

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Special Thanks

With thanks to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for their funding support in order to produce ‘The Shinty Trail’ online resource.

Le taing do Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic maoineachaidh gus an goireas air-loidhne ‘Slighe na Camanachd’ a thoirt gu buil.