Young people to help shape wild places across Europe
5th April 2018

EUROPARC Youth Manifesto Project 2018
As part of Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018 activities, an exciting new project is being launched to find 30 young people from across Europe to give their thoughts and ideas about how our national parks and protected areas are managed. A Youth Manifesto will be created that will outline ways in which young people can be meaningfully engaged in shaping the future stewardship of our natural heritage.
This partnership project will be led by the Cairngorms National Park Authority and successful applicants will be invited to attend two workshops, one in the Cairngorms and the other in Finland. They will also attend the launch of the final Youth Manifesto at the Europarc Conference which is being held 18-21 September in Aviemore.
Alan Smith, Outdoor Learning Officer at the CNPA explains: “Young people are the future of the national parks and protected areas we have in Europe; they are the decision-makers of tomorrow. It is important they are given the opportunity to consider how the present management of our environment will affect them in the future. We are looking for 16-25 year olds who have a passion for nature and conservation to join us in creating this Youth Manifesto, they will attend our workshops and meet with other like-minded people and input into an international conversation about nature protection.”
This project is fully inclusive as our partners will be funding all costs, including accommodation, catering and travel. It really is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the future of our protected areas and find ways to retain young people living, learning and working in our rural environments and communities.”
The manifesto will detail and outline opportunities across a number of key areas including; training, employment, housing, natural and cultural heritage and education
The project partners are the EUROPARC Federation, Cairngorms LEADER Action Group, Rieskas LEADER Finland, Scottish Natural Heritage and Young Scot.
If you would like to be a part of this project or for more info please contact Alan Smith: [email protected] / 01479 870518