More guidance for Cairngorms Local Development Plan up for consideration
11th August 2020

Planning officers at the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) are asking people for their views on a further range of supplementary and non-statutory planning guidance, which will support the new Local Development Plan (LDP).
The Local Development Plan 2020 will guide development in the Cairngorms National Park over the period 2020-2025. The LDP identifies land for development and policies to ensure delivery of social and economic benefits for the National Park at the same time as conserving and enhancing the Park’s natural and cultural heritage. It has ambitious targets for affordable housing in the communities that need it, as well as opportunities for business development and diversification.
The new LDP is currently under examination by an independent Planning Report at the Scottish Government, with a view to it being adopted later in the year. This will be the Plan used, not only by the CNPA in making planning decisions but by all the local authorities that cover the Park.
In preparation for the LDP 2020’s adoption, the CNPA has devised new Supplementary and non-statutory guidance to support its implementation.
CNPA Planning Manager Dan Harris said: “We are seeking peoples’ views on the form and content of this non statutory guidance which covers Sustainable Economic Growth, Resources and Recreation and Open Space. This is not an opportunity to revisit the LDP itself and new requirements cannot be introduced at this stage. Instead, the non-statutory guidance aims to provide an explanation and supporting information to help implement the policies of the next Local Development Plan. This consultation is therefore an important opportunity for anyone with an interest to influence its content.”
The consultation opened this week and runs until Friday 25th September 2020 after which all the responses will be considered and reported to the CNPA’s planning committee who will decide the final content of the guidance. There is more information on the non statutory planning guidance and instructions on how to respond on the CNPA website –