Interactive learning and discussion opportunities
2nd September 2022

Keep Scotland Beautiful and the Cairngorms National Park Authority offer interactive learning and discussion opportunities
Call for people living or working in the Cairngorms National Park to attend free climate emergency workshops
A series of free workshops are being offered by environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful from September to November 2022 to help people who live or work in the Cairngorms National Park learn what the climate emergency means for the area, find out how they can take action, and have their say on what sustainable communities look like.
Online and in-person Climate Conscious Communities workshops will be delivered as part of the Heritage Horizons: Cairngorms 2030 programme. The workshops have received funding through The National Lottery Heritage Fund thanks to money raised by National Lottery players.
Participants at the 2.5-hour workshops will learn what the climate emergency means for the Cairngorms National Park in terms of impacts, risks and opportunities. And they’ll find out what’s being done to combat climate change across the area as well as learning more about Climate Conscious actions they can take as individuals, communities and businesses.
The workshops will also provide opportunities for people to have their say on climate change – from what a Climate Conscious Cairngorms looks like for communities, businesses and individuals – through to identifying barriers, challenges and support required to take climate action.
Catherine Gee, Deputy Chief Executive for Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “We’re delighted to partner with the Cairngorms National Park Authority to offer these bespoke workshops so that people living or working in the park can learn more about what the climate emergency means for the local area, find out how to take action, and have their say on what sustainable communities look like.
“Climate change can seem like a scary or overwhelming prospect, so these workshops emphasise hope over despair and introduce co-benefits of climate action relevant to individuals, communities and businesses – such as saving money, improved wellbeing and resilience to extreme weather, new regulations and changing customer expectations.”
Grant Moir, Chief Executive for the Cairngorms National Park Authority, said: “We encourage people who live or work in the park to attend these workshops and have their say about how Climate Conscious communities might look across the National Park, and what support is required to help make their ideas and plans to tackle climate change a reality. Encouraging and supporting behaviour change, trialing new community engagement methods, and exploring new ways to support community action are all core themes of the Heritage Horizons Cairngorms 2030 Programme. These workshops are great examples of approaches to these themes.
“The workshops include interactive activities and discussion sessions to gather local opinion, and we’re really keen to hear what people have to say.”
Caroline Clark, Director for Scotland, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “We launched Heritage Horizons in 2019 creating a fund to support major projects with clear and ambitious plans to bring about positive changes and benefits to people, places and wider heritage.
“Cairngorm 2030, was awarded up to £12.5million from The Fund, and has created a dynamic partnership that works closely with the local community and provides specialist knowledge and experience. These Climate Conscious Communities workshops bring together professional expertise, and local knowledge and enthusiasm to develop projects delivering long-term rewards for the community and nature.”
In May 2019, the Scottish Government declared a climate emergency and has pledged to drastically reduce emissions from Scotland. This will mean new legislation and technology that will bring significant changes to the way that we do life and business in all areas of Scotland. Scotland has also taken a leading role in international agreements to ensure action is taken at a variety of levels to protect nature.
And with the United Nations COP26 climate conference having taken place in Glasgow last year, attention is focused on climate action and sustainability in Scotland like never before.
Cairngorms National Park Authority has committed to be net zero by 2025 at the latest the new Partnership Plan will set out ambitious plans to tackle the nature and climate crisis. To be eligible to register for the Climate Conscious Communities workshops participants must live or work in the Cairngorms National Park.
The workshops take place from September to November 2022. To register and see all available dates please see eventbrite