New affordable homes for Cairngorms National Park
21st February 2020

A development of twelve affordable homes and associated infrastructure on the outskirts of Boat of Garten has been granted planning permission today (Friday 21 February).
The Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) Planning Committee approved the development – covered by two planning applications – on open ground opposite the BSW Timber sawmill. The development is a joint proposal by the sawmill owners and the local estate and also involves the demolition of an existing property on the site to make way for the project.
Boat of Garten is a community in the National Park where there is a significant need for affordable housing. Despite the application being out with the settlement boundary, policies in the Cairngorms National Park Local Development Plan support developments in locations such as these, where 100 per cent affordable housing is being delivered.
Eleanor Mackintosh, the CNPA Planning Committee Convener commented: “I think this is an excellent proposal and I welcome the provision of affordable housing in a location where it will help meet local need. I am keen that residents can access Boat of Garten safely without the need for a car so I look forward to seeing proposals in the near future for a path linking the development with the village.”
An application for three separate blocks of flats comprising 27 homes with associated parking and access on Grampian Road in Aviemore was also approved today. A previous application for a similar development on this site had been turned down due the height of the buildings but members agreed that this new application addressed earlier concerns and welcomed the opportunity to have a neglected site at the entrance to Aviemore brought back into use.
Three new properties – part of an ongoing development at Dunlicht Court in Grantown-on-Spey – were also approved. A proposed forestry building in woodland on the outskirts of Carr-Bridge was refused permission.
To read the planning papers from today’s meeting in Ballater in full, please go here.