Rural Development
There is a strong economy and sense of community within the Cairngorms National Park, underpinned by the Park’s quality of environment and reputation as a great place to live and work
Many communities in the National Park are already taking the lead themselves through developing their own assets, improving facilities and services, and new legislation will enhance their opportunities to do so. However, there remain many challenges. The most significant of these include access to housing that is affordable, digital connectivity and relatively low wages.
Looking ahead there are increasing opportunities for communities to play a greater role in shaping their places, which can help to build capacity and allow communities to empower themselves
Find out more about the Rural Development outcome in the Partnership Plan.
Our Targets
To deliver 200 new affordable houses during the Plan period
2018/19 UPDATE
- The Cairngorms National Park Authority has granted consent (including consent by appeal) for 108 affordable homes since 31 March 2018.
To increase the number of community enterprises reinvesting surplus profit into community projects
2018/19 UPDATE
- This has increased to 7.
To maintain or improve business perceptions of the National Park’s influence on customer attraction and operations/profitability
2018/19 UPDATE
- Overall level of business satisfaction for all organisations was an average of 5 out of 7. The Cairngorms National Park Authority scored 5 out of 7 and remains the highest scoring public body, alongside VisitScotland. (Source: Q4, 2018, Cairngorms Business Partnership Business Barometer)
To achieve more than 30% uptake of high speed broadband in the Cairngorms Community Broadband project
2018/19 UPDATE
- The Cairngorms Community Broadband Project has been put on hold while the Scottish Government’s Reaching 100 (R100) scheme operates across Scotland to extend high speed broadband to all properties. Meanwhile, the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) has upgraded digital telecoms infrastructure to allow 87% of properties to access commercial superfast broadband services. Mobile internet services through 4G networks now cover a wider range of properties.