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Our Board and Planning Committee meetings are normally conducted in public.

All meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel @TheCairngorms and go live five minutes before the start time.

You can view the board committee’s responsibilities and terms of reference here 

Minutes of meetings can be provided in other languages, including Gaelic on request. Please contact [email protected] for a copy.

19th April, 2021

Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 19th April 2021, 11am.

1.Welcome and introductions

Present: Mark, Chris T, Chris F, Alistair, Murray, Pete, Heather Apologies: Janet, Rhona, Laurie, Colin, Geva


Business Support update

Aberdeenshire and Highland Councils are making payment for the Strategic Framework funds today, with a few queries and appeals remaining outstanding. With the Discretionary Fund Highland Council have approved and paid 1141 grants and again have a few outstanding (largely those who applied for other grants and are still awaiting a decision on them). Initially all have been paid £2000 but there will shortly be a further payment to increase that to £4,000. Aberdeenshire Council are also launching phase 2 of their Discretionary Fund, with payment on a sliding scale according to number of employees, and increased eligibility guidelines to include businesses that have set up more recently.  More details at Mark flagged up that most local authorities are approaching the phase 2 discretionary fund with the same approach as Aberdeenshire,  but Highland Council are not, and he is discussing this with them.

Key issues from DMOs

CBP are gearing up social media promotion to UK audiences, and promoting their status website to allow visit planning.  The campervan map has been drafted and is awaiting feedback from the steering group.  Pete to give feedback, particularly around appropriate imagery.  Their recent accommodation occupancy survey (attached) shows capacity across all sectors for May-July, but a stark divide between self-catering properties which tend to be more booked up than usual, and serviced accommodation which tends to be lagging behind usual booking levels. VisitAberdeenshire have been doing some paid promotion with partners since March, and are seeing good engagement.  Looking ahead to May they are looking at rebranding and Chris will give a fuller update on this at a later date.  They are currently running an occupancy survey which initially shows no sign of a ‘staycation surge’.

VisitScotland Overview

VisitScotland are coming to the end of their recovery funding programme with £50 million spent.  It’s not yet clear if additional funding will be forthcoming for those sectors particularly likely to struggle in the months ahead. Recovery marketing is underway and has been extended until around the end of May, including paid activity with TikTok to reach younger audiences.  Scotland Reconnects will be running next week to engage with international markets and stimulate demand for travel when appropriate, though continued disruption to many air routes is expected. Businesses are being encouraged to keep their listings on as up-to-date as possible.  This information feeds into i-centre teams to give them the latest information.  I-centres will be opening from 26th April, including the refurbished Aviemore centre. There was a discussion about the issues caused by demand being skewed towards countryside destinations and the pressure that causes rural hotspots, leaving town and city destinations with more of a struggle to recover.  STA are leading on a cities initiative, feeding into the tourism taskforce and VisitAberdeenshire are looking to position Aberdeen as an ‘outdoors city’ with beach and countryside access.


The Responsible tourism campaign is now up and running.


Update on management for visitors

While some areas were fairly busy over the Easter period, there were no major issues with overcrowding, though there were some issues around fires and roadside littering, though it was noted that not all littering was caused by visitors.  This will be picked up in a Communications meeting tomorrow, and littering messages will tie into Keep Scotland Beautiful’s spring campaign. New variable messaging signs have been funded for Deeside and Glenmore though it is not yet clear who will control the messaging and how to input.  There are plans being developed for a potential trial Aviemore – Cairngorm bus service in July & August, but this will need to be well promoted to be successful. CNPA have developed an 8-minute ‘Make It Yours’ video introducing the National Park to visitor facing staff.  This will be promoted to businesses by CNPA and DMOs later this week.

Update on national MV groups

No recent updates now that the national campaign has been launched.

Re-opening with Confidence – Revised Tourism and Hospitality Guidance

There are not many changes to the guidance compared with last year, but social distancing rules continue to cause operational difficulties, particular for attractions and events.

Other relevant recent or upcoming meetings

STA leadership hustings were taking place at the same time as this meeting.  CBP are planning a ‘rural economy’ hustings in partnership with Inverness, Lochaber and Caithness Chambers of Commerce next Thursday 29th April.


Cairngorms Green Recovery Fund is open with an initial deadline of early May.  There have already been discussions about some potential tourism-related projects. More information about elements of the Tourism Recovery Programme will be available after the election.  Some projects will move fairly quickly, but others, such as the Scottish Tourism Observatory, may take a bit longer.

6.Any Other Updates


7.Date of next meeting

Monday 10th May, 11am.

19th April, 2021

12th April, 2021

5th April, 2021

30th March, 2021

Location: Via Video Conference

The Equalities Advisory Panel discussed the Backbone Symposium, internal equalities strategies, the action created by the Panel and the format of the meetings.