Priority 8: Community Capacity And Empowerment
Looking ahead there are increasing opportunities for communities to play a greater role in shaping their places, which can help to build capacity and allow communities to empower themselves
The Cairngorms National Park covers a large rural area of Scotland which includes a number of communities who are taking the lead in developing their own assets and improving facilities and services. These communities are unique and have their own contexts, but often have shared issues, challenges and opportunities.
Spatial Priority Areas

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Agenda For Action
Partners will support opportunities and actions to develop community capacity and help communities to empower themselves by:
- Offering support to communities across the National Park through locally based support organisations and working with partner organisations (such as Voluntary Action Badenoch & Strathspey and the Marr Area Partnership), with a presumption in favour of collaborative working;
- Supporting community groups to improve communication and engagement with their communities in order to enhance local democracy and participation;
- Continuing to support communities to review and update their Community Action Plans at least every five years;
- Working with community groups to improve succession planning and volunteering in order to allow them to take advantage of new opportunities and proactively address issues;
- Working collaboratively through community planning structures within the five Community Planning Partnership areas to provide consistent and clear support and information to communities;
- Continuing to offer support to the Association of Cairngorms Communities and using it as a forum for broader engagement;
- Establishing a new spatial priority area to provide an enhanced level of future assistance/collaboration over a focused time period to the Dalwhinnie, Kingussie, Laggan and Newtonmore area from 2019/20, making the most of investment in the A9 dualling project.