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Meeting | 2015

Publication | 2015

Information on the wide range of land management services and support provided by the Cairngorms National Park Authority.

Publication | 2015

Through Active Cairngorms, the physical activity and outdoor access strategy for the National Park, our goal is to get residents and visitors using the Park for physical activity one a day. Our Core Paths Plan helps to create active places to make this goal a reality. We aim to make…More

Publication | 2015

Issued to the Park Authority to enable it to discharge its functions.

Publication | 2015

The purpose of this strategy is to establish the Cairngorms National Park as a learning landscape, providing outstanding opportunities for collaborative research across disciplines that directly influences management in the National Park and wider agendas in Scotland and internationally. The strategy sets out what is needed to promote and facilitate…More

Publication | 2015

This Local Development Strategy for the Cairngorms National Park sets out the Cairngorms Local Action Group’s ambition to make a step change toward more thriving and sustainable rural communities within this key area for Scottish natural heritage conservation and tourism. The Cairngorms Local Development Strategy 2014-2020 has been prepared in…More

Publication | 2015

The CNPA’s projects and activities are impact assessed to ensure that they do not discriminate or have any negative effects on equality groups, but also to identify ways to promote equality.

Publication | 2015

The Cairngorms National Park Authority is committed to promoting equality as an employer and through the work it does. As a public authority, the CNPA must meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, which harmonises and replaces previous equalities legislation. The Public Sector Equality Duty requires the CNPA to…More

Publication | 2015

This document is in the process of being updated The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requires Scottish public authorities to produce and maintain a publication scheme. Authorities are under a legal obligation to publish the classes of information that they make routinely available tell the public how to…More

Publication | 2015

Community Action Planning is a way of giving communities the opportunity to identify their own priorities and tackle the issues which are important to them.