Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022: SEA Environmental Report
Strategic Environmental Assessment
28th April, 2017
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017 – 2022 is a statutory requirement under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. SEA is a systematic process developed to ensure that potential environmental impacts of Plans, Programmes and Strategies (PPS) (both positive and negative) are assessed and considered during the course of their preparation.
SEA aims to:
- integrate environmental factors into Strategy preparation and decision making;
- improve the Strategy and enhance environmental protection;
- increase public participation in decision making; and
- facilitate openness and transparency of decision making.
The SEA process is divided into five main stages which are:
- Stage A: Setting the context and objectives, establishing the baseline and deciding on the scope;
- Stage B: Developing and refining alternatives and assessing effects;
- Stage C: Preparing the Environmental Report.
- Stage D: Consulting on the draft Strategy and its Environmental Report; and
- Stage E: Monitoring implementation of the Strategy.
This environmental report presents the assessment of the final NPPP, building on the work carried out in Stages B to D. The assessment has not identified any substantial changes between the preferred options assessed in the first report and the policies assessed in this one and indeed none that would result in any negative effects, minor or significant. In fact the assessment identified a number of additional positive effects. It has not therefore been considered necessary to conduct a formal consultation on this Environmental Report as all matters have been covered in the previous one.
This environmental assessment therefore establishes the likely significant (positive and negative) environmental effects of implementing the NPPP as adopted. The effects of the NPPP and any potential reasonable alternatives have been considered, along with viable mitigation measures to avoid, reduce or offset adverse effects
Documents relating to earlier stages of the SEA process can be accessed via the following links:
Environmental Report for Consultation Document
17 files
Cairngroms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022 SEA Environmental Report - PDF Download (3.73MB)
Appendix 2: Environmental Baseline: Topic 7: Landscape and Cultural Heritage - PDF Download (4.71MB)
Appendix 8: Glossary - PDF Download (892.75KB)
Bibliography - PDF Download (831.63KB)