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Our Board and Planning Committee meetings are normally conducted in public.

All meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel @TheCairngorms and go live five minutes before the start time.

You can view the board committee’s responsibilities and terms of reference here 

Minutes of meetings can be provided in other languages, including Gaelic on request. Please contact [email protected] for a copy.

1st February, 2021

26th January, 2021

Location: Via Video Conference

The Equalities Advisory Panel met to discuss the Cairngorms visitor survey and the Covid equality impact assessment.

25th January, 2021

Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via video-conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 25th January 2021, 11am.

Present: Murray, Grant, Pete, Heather, Olly Davies, Chris F, Laurie, Alistair, Colin, Geva Apologies, Mark, Chris T, Rhona

1.Welcome and introductions

Olly Davies, new CNPA head of Communications, introduced himself. He has previously worked for Edinburgh Fringe Society, Scottish Wildlife Trust and Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.  He can be contacted at [email protected] or 01479 870523.


Business Support update

Highland and Aberdeenshire Council have been processing both the Strategic Business Framework Fund, and the Top Up Grants.  Both should be paid this week to eligible applicants.  Aberdeenshire Council have today gone live for applications to the discretionary fund, which will provide a £2k grant to those who can evidence a 30% reduction in income and have not been eligible for other support.  It will be on a first come, first served basis.  Highland Council who to confirm details of their discretionary scheme shortly.

Key issues from DMOs

VisitAberdeenshire have recently carried out a business survey to measure the impacts of the January lockdown, which is attached. They have a business webinar on the 26th, looking at target markets, and have their board meeting on the afternoon of the 25th. VisitMoraySpeyside have been concentrating on helping businesses with grant applications.  They flagged up that Moray Council’s timeline to administer the new grants is not as fast as Highland and Aberdeenshire Councils.

VisitScotland Overview

Chris T was unable to attend the meeting, as VisitScotland are preparing to launch their new funding schemes. He asked to pass on the information that Scotland Reconnects will be running again on the 27th-29th April, with a view to VisitScotland Expo running again in 2022.


STEAM data 2020

Heather has fed in additional data to the STEAM model to try to capture more accurate information about visitors who this year may not have passed through businesses.  Path counter data has been supplied and the Cairngorms Business Barometer has been shared to try to get a picture of business levels post-lockdown.  Given the unusual nature of the year though, the data may just need to be accompanied by disclaimers.


Managing for our visitors – planning for Easter 2021

The CNPA board on Friday agreed the budget for seasonal rangers who will start work in mid-March.  There is an opportunity to consider how they, and other ranger services, gather and report visitor data.  In addition, CNPA are taking on 6 young people through the Kickstart scheme, 5 of whom will work in the ranger team from June. Plans are also being finalised for infrastructure investment at key sites where the work can be carried out in this financial year. There is already anecdotal evidence of relatively high visitor numbers at key sites, particularly at weekends in good weather.

Meeting of #cairngormstogether

The businesses involved in last summer’s #cairngormstogether group met last Thursday to look over the previous work with a view to echoing it as this lockdown comes to an end.  Businesses were generally very positive about the previous work.  There was a feeling, though, that we need to work to keep messages positive eg. talking about ‘managing for visitors’ not ‘visitor management’.  It was also agreed that the communities meetings that were part of the project should be repeated.  Grant suggested that holding them in March would allow for a fuller update.

5. Recover

6.Any Other Updates

7.Date of next meeting.

There will be a full Cairngorms Tourism Partnership meeting on 1st February, so the next CTERG meeting is scheduled for 15th February, unless there are major changes before then.

22nd January, 2021

Location: Via Video-Conference

11th January, 2021

Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via video-conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 11th January 2021, 11am. 

1.Welcome and introductions

Present: Janet Hunter (Chair), Geva Blackett (CNPA Board), Grant Moir (CNPA), Chris Taylor (VS), Chris Foy (VA), Mark Tate (CBP), Rhona Fraser (HIE), Laurie Piper (MS), Murray Ferguson (CNPA), Pete Crane (CNPA) Apologies: Colin Simpson (HC), Heather Trench (CNPA), Alistair Reid (AC)   2.RESPOND

Business Support update

Following update from Highland Council  ‘All businesses who had applied for restrictions grants before Christmas were paid before Christmas so all applications were up to date at that point. We then suspended applications over the Christmas holiday – largely this was because the Scottish Government had announced numerous schemes but not launched them so we were concerned that if the form was left live people would fill in any form they could find and we’d end up delaying processing of closure applications as we’d have to respond to all the incorrect ones. Evidence from other local authorities is that this did happen! We then re-launched the scheme on Thursday 7th and received about 1000 applications in the first 24 hours. As our team now has the capacity to process 400 – 500 applications per day over the next fortnight we’re confident they will all be paid w/c 25 January as is intended (payments on this scheme are done retrospectively at the end of each 4 week period and this one ends on Tuesday 26th January). Those who had applied in Nov / Dec will have payment made to them automatically without the need to reapply and have been notified of this. We anticipate up to 8000 applications in total but probably significantly less. This will depend a lot on self-catering applications as we have around 4800 registered as such in the rates system but this includes second homes not let out commercially and so many will be ineligible to apply for a grant as they won’t be trading as a business.’ Highlands & Islands Enterprise currently developing a community programme recovery fund and organising a wide range of webinar training and information opportunities (list at end of this note)

Key issues from DMOs

The second ‘lock down’ is proving exceptionally challenging for many businesses with many in the tourism sector having little or no business since October and with some businesses still appearing to fall between gaps in funding, further challenged by the complexity over agreeing ‘business’ criteria and finance/banking requirements needed to meet public sector financial support criteria. Small businesses appear to be finding the situation particularly challenging. Four weekly Strategic  Framework Business Fund now operating ‘Temporary closure grant - £2,000 or £3,000 (depending on rateable value) if your business is required to close by law Business restrictions grant - £1,400 or £2,100 (depending on rateable value) if your business can remain open but is specifically required to modify its operations by law, for example having to close earlier than normal.This does not include where a demand for your products or services has been reduced because of the pandemic Grants paid every 4 weeks in arrears as long as restrictions last.’ Tourism Hospitality Fund of £104m has been advertised but yet to be launched by Visit Scotland (see below) – it is likely to comprise 15 sections inc specific areas of work such as ‘Outdoors £2.5m ‘ Area Specific Cairngorms Business Partnership The anticipated winter marketing is largely on hold  with work now looking at a ‘Spring’ focus Aberdeen C&S  is planning spring promotion of Aberdeen City and Shire, inc Cairngorms, with potential launch mid-February depending on Covid-19 guidance An Insights Seminar on Business Product  is arranged for 12 January, and Adventure Tourism later in January and a Business Restructure Programme training is underway with potential for current businesses to become mentors to share the work later this year. A monthly 2021 photo competition has been agreed with the Evening Express with the January theme being local:  ‘Your Back Yard’ Morayshire There appears to be a gap in the training and support around ‘Thoughtful Leadership and Inspiration’ with indications that many small businesses appear uncertain on how to determine the best way forward with further indications that this is leading to noticeable stress? This uncertainty also appears enhanced for many by potential impacts of Brexit

VisitScotland Overview

Priority is to agree criteria and eligibility for Tourism Hospitality Fund and then manage and deliver the funding Coast and Waters campaign paused. Marketing is currently on hold with messaging focussed on ‘dream now travel later’.  ITB is 9th -12th March with opportunities to promote Scotland ITB Berlin 09 – 12 March 2021 ( Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund  3 successful applications announced today with £80k and four projects in Highlands, and Glenshee toilets in Aberdeenshire securing funding VS Webinars continuing in 2021 VisitScotland and Digital Boost webinars - News |


Consistent lockdown messaging CNPA web information regularly updated on car parks, toilets etc. Public sector outdoor sites currently ‘open’. Legislation allows  travel ‘for recreation’ within LA area and 5 miles out with, but messaging focus is on #StayLocal. Collective messaging should continue to focus on #CairngormsTogether with current steer on   #StaySafe #StayLocal/Home Nature Scotland is coordinating, with partners, consistent ‘outdoors’ messaging for 2021 but with Easter only 12 weeks away there is much work to be done.


Visitor management planning for Easter 2021 CNPA is appointing 8 seasonal rangers to be in post for Easter 2021 and has secured Kickstart funding with UK National Parks for 6 CNPA posts (5 six month ranger posts). CNPA has also requested additional funding from ScotGov for permanent ranger service to support seasonal posts and partner services – awaiting 28th Jan budget decision. CNPA is also agreeing a range of visitor improvement projects for delivery by partners by March 2021 including car park, toilet and road improvements – details to follow once agreed. Residents are again raising concerns about visitor numbers at key sites (eg Glenshee and Glenmore) and associated behaviour (eg littering) Action 1 CBP and CNPA to agree next set of virtual community meeting to update residents on spring 2021 work and communication. - National Education & Marketing group meeting 17/12 Action 2 Update from CBP at next meeting



Cairngorm Mountain closed on 24 Dec with core maintenance staff in post and majority of staff ‘Furloughed’. Work on funicular reinstatement ongoing where possible. Snow gates closed at Glenmore with support from Police Scot and HC, and many residents. Season ticket holders to be refunded. Latest draft of CM master plan being finalised and will be presented to CNPA Board in February. Glenmore roadside path from Beach Car Park to Glenmore Lodge junction completed December (RTIF) . Crossing points January ( depending on weather) along with upgrades to Beach Car Park.


25th January 2021 @ 11.00 – 12.00 Fortnightly