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Our Board and Planning Committee meetings are normally conducted in public.

All meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel @TheCairngorms and go live five minutes before the start time.

You can view the board committee’s responsibilities and terms of reference here 

Minutes of meetings can be provided in other languages, including Gaelic on request. Please contact [email protected] for a copy.

11th January, 2021

23rd December, 2020

14th December, 2020

14th December, 2020

Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via video-conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group Meeting Note 14th December 2020 Present: Heather, Murray, Pete, Janet, Geva, Chris F, Chris T, Laurie. Apologies:  Grant, Colin, Rhona, Mark, Alistair. 1.Welcome and introductions  2.RESPOND - Business Support update Additional funding schemes were announced last week (as detailed in attached CBP update) but there is not yet a lot of detailed information on the new funding schemes and it seems unlikely that they will be up and running before January. Within the Moray area, Laurie flagged up that 2/3rds of businesses eligible for existing grants have not yet applied and there is a lack of faith in the new schemes reaching the businesses that need them.  In all areas, there is a sense of frustration that the schemes are not better developed when they are announced. - Key issues from DMOs VisitAberdeenshire have completed analysis of survey for local people on staycation experiences this year and plans for holidays next year. The top priority emerging is getting out for countryside walks.  They are also working on a local towns’ campaign with Aberdeenshire Council early next year and scenario planning for future promotion. Murray updated on the STA Destination Forum meeting with Fergus Ewing last week, which Mark, Laurie and Chris F also attended..  The mood was generally low.  While rural areas destinations generally have lower restrictions, few customers are able to travel. Looking forward, by the end of April only around 400,000 people are likely to be vaccinated, mostly frontline health staff and care home residents.  This is unlikely to give a major boost to tourism numbers. VisitScotland Overview The marketing team continue to push the  #ScotlandLovesLocal messaging.  Businesses that are trading can upload offers etc. to the website and this will continue into the new year.  The event recovery fund is still live and getting a good level of enquiries. The Scotland Reconnects trade event had great feedback and the site will remain open for an additional few weeks until 22nd Dec.  The STERG business survey had over 3k responses. The cruise research (2019) now has reported and is available.  There will be more work on it early in the new year to consider how the industry will recover. There are lots of film & TV enquiries at the moment as international travel is difficult.  VS are working up some training opportunities for taking advantage of that market. Brexit Issues Issues arising from Brexit will be discussed at the next meeting of the Cairngorms economic steering group on 11th January, which will be attended by Highland Council’s Brexit officer.  Janet offered to circulate a useful summary of the issues from Perth & Kinross Council (checklist and details of events attached).  It was agreed that it would also be added to the next CTERG agenda.  Geva advised that Martin Bremner was the relevant contact at Aberdeenshire Council, and requested a CNPA board update on Brexit, possibly at the informal board discussion on the 9th February. 3.RESET. No issues discussed. 4.RESTART CNPA / CBP community open meetings Meetings with community councils and land managers respectively were held last week to talk about visitor management issues and introduce the Heritage Horizons project.  A similar business meeting is being held with CBP tomorrow.   Geva requested the note of the previous meetings in advance of local community council meetings this week. NatureScot Visitor Management Grant Fund. This fund has just been launched by NatureScot.  While project eligibility is fairly wide, the timescale is tight with projects to be delivered this financial year.  Similarly, Pete advised that £200k underspend on the RTIF path at Glenmore could be re-allocated to other visitor management projects in this financial year.  A range of projects at key sites around the national park have been identified that don’t need planning permission and could happen this financial year. Marketing or communications updates. CNPA messaging continues to focus messaging on stay safe, stay local, support local businesses.  There is some concern from Police Scotland about potential bonfire parties in countryside areas at Hogmanay, and they are staffing accordingly. Chris F asked about preferred wording of mountain safety messaging. Pete advised that the best approach was to share content and messages from Mountaineering Scotland. The Tomintoul and Glenlivet marketing plans have been developed by 42 Studios and are being finalised at the moment. There was a discussion about the safe re-opening of ski centres, at a time when there could be far more demand than usual from those unable to travel abroad.  Most ski centres are moving to an online booking system in advance with limited tickets, though there may still be people turning up on the day as well, and with no coaches or car sharing, parking may be an issue.  VisitScotland are in touch with the centres and manage the Ski Scotland pages, and Chris agreed to keep the group up to date on planned messaging. It was agreed that ‘Plan B’ messaging similar to the summer could be useful at trying to keep people within the area and spending money even if they could couldn’t ski.  It was also recognised that with most visitors generally coming from the central belt, actual numbers may be limited by the tier system. 5.RECOVER Murray gave an update on a number of related technology projects  - Traveltech directory been launched to connect tourism businesses with providers of technology - Interface looks to foster links between businesses and academics  Murray had a meeting with Lesley Judge who leads on the tourism element of the project and agreed that someone would be invited to the next CTP meeting. - Cairngorms IoT Project has funding to deliver a network of path and traffic sensors to give real time information on where people are going.  This will help guide ranger deployment and visitor management planning. All of these technology projects rely on good connectivity and it has just been announced that the £385 million R100 project has now been formally agreed with BT.  More details on the areas that will benefit will be available in Spring. Janet also gave a short update on the Smart Village project, a ScotGov digital initiative for communities of place and interest to better use technology to connect.

  1. AOB
Discussion on priorities for early 2021. Everyone to feed back to Janet thoughts on the future role of the group, and priorities, but in discussion the following priorities were identified:
  • Agree 2021 visitor management messaging ASAP.
  • Agree the role of the CTERG and links with CTP and visitor management group.
  • Support for DMOs, particularly through the HIE scheme.
  1. Date of next meeting.
Monday 11th January 2021 RESPOND (March 2020 – May 2020) Immediate provision of information and support to businesses RESET (June 2020 – September 2020) Support, planning and preparation for restart RESTART (June 2020 – February 2021) Support and guidance for safe re-opening RECOVER (September 2020 – December 2022) Guidance and support for operating in a new post COVID-19 environment

11th December, 2020

Location: Via Lifesize Video Conferencing

Watch a recording of the meeting here  Recordings will be kept for a maximum of one week from the date of the meeting.