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Our Board and Planning Committee meetings are normally conducted in public.

All meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel @TheCairngorms and go live five minutes before the start time.

You can view the board committee’s responsibilities and terms of reference here 

Minutes of meetings can be provided in other languages, including Gaelic on request. Please contact [email protected] for a copy.

3rd August, 2020

Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 3rd August 2020, 11am. 

  Present: Janet, Pete, Mark, Grant, Caroline Warburton, Alistair, Laurie Apologies: Heather, Murray, Chris F, Chris T, Rhona, Colin

1.Welcome and introductions

Janet welcomed Caroline who attended on behalf of Chris Tate form VisitScotland


Brief updates on new key issues from DMOs, VisitScotland and Business Support agencies


  • Mark is trying to meet with John Swinney, MSP, through Scottish Chambers to discuss school trips which could be a significant challenge for residential and activity centres if they are unable to plan for spring.

Moray Speyside Tourism

  • Following CBP and going forward with test and protect platform which is hoped will be up and running by end or beginning of next week and will hopefully generate some positive PR.
  • Levy invoices are going out this week which is generating some interesting calls.
  • Generally businesses seem to be busy with the exception of hotels who are struggling.


  • Numbers of registrations by businesses for the ‘We’re Good To Go’ initiative are increasing with most business in Highlands signed up.
  • Action – Caroline to forward figures by Local Authority on via email to members.
  • Businesses are being encouraged to update listings as from a marketing perspective this will drive people to, so it’s important that listings are up to date.  Comms are going out to remind businesses to do this.
  • The top three searches on VisitScotland are around unusual accommodation, caravan and camping then self-catering and generally with a short lead in time for date searches.  The family market is strong with multi-generational trips in next few weeks and into the autumn.

Business Support Agencies

  • A couple of funds have been announced in the last week, self-catering fund from VisitScotland opened today with criteria that applicants must not have received funding from other sources and is on a first come first served basis.  If all applicants receive the full award there will only be 100 awards made from the fund.
  • More details to follow at next meeting regards hotels funding.
  • Funds that have now closed are being tidied up.


Overview of consumer insights and other research

  • Post-Covid visitor survey analysis combines CBP, CNPA and 56 degrees data reinforces and supports most of the information that has been gathered in last few weeks, and is useful to have all the strands of information from partners in one place.
Pete confirmed information shows more visitors are coming by car with 6% in campervans who are using small sites in local community woodland, which is an issue we are aware of.
  • CNP ranger visitor survey questionnaire is not finalised but due to go live from 7th Aug and run for 10 days.  All Rangers that are on the ground will collect basic information from a 60 second check, which statistically may not get enough numbers but it will be an insight.
It was noted there should be a health warning as it will be location based reflecting hotspot data.
  • CBP occupancy survey is due to close tomorrow.  This is the second survey and initial stats show self-catering is full with hotels full for next two weeks.  Most are performing better than expected.  The next survey will highlight which attractions should be approached to stay open into Nov.


Visitor Management Issues – CNPA

- initial weekend feedback
  • Another busy weekend with tail backs at Loch Muick, Linn of Dee, Muir of Dinnett and Loch Morlich.  There was a crash at Glenmore, but it’s unclear if this was a result of parking issues.
  • Friday was a big day at Glenmore and Cairngorm with the road to Glenmore Lodge being used for parking which has not be seen before.  Previously it was felt car parking capacity at Glenmore was sufficient but going forward there is a significant issue.  It was noted provision needs to be made as all indications are this was expected, although it will settle down again, there is a big opportunity to educate campers and encourage visitors to become loyal and return.
  • Saturday and Sunday had the vast majority of visitors who were responsible but the challenge is numbers as people don’t tend to have a Plan B.
  • On Saturday Loch Pityoulish had 20 cars parked on the road and Rangers attended.
  • Rangers were dealing with a lot of camping on the beach but in general behaviour is better, with less fires.  There still seems to be a continued misunderstanding about lighting fires.  Overall still very busy from camping and campervan point of view.
  • FLS seasonal staff were also on the ground this weekend
  • Grant is meeting with Highland Council to discuss a Clearway and/or traffic management measures at Glenmore which may help make a difference and move things in the right direction.  This will only be put in place if enforcement can be ensured between the police and Highland Council.
  • In Aberdeenshire there are issues around enforcement so still a lot more work to be done.
  • It was noted Highland Council today passed a motion about longer term investment in Ranger Services and Visitor Facilities.
  • The Visitor Survey showed people want outdoor experiences not necessarily a visitor attraction.
  • It was noted partnerships would need to come together to ensure there is not a repeat in 2021.
 - camping & campervans
  • It was noted FLS have some sites providing overnight accommodation for campervans.  They also have a webpage showing what is open and their approach
  • Grant stated Land Manager feedback shows there are a lot campervans across the National Park.  It was acknowledged a lot more work is needed to be done on a large level around Scotland, which had been picked up pre Covid19 by Scottish Government.
  • Caroline stated Air Sites will likely be looked at more seriously, but more infrastructure is needed.
- provision of visitor facilities
  • Public toilets now open at Laggan, CNPA website to be updated.  No update on Angus Glens. Action - Grant to chase.
  • CBP are getting good traffic through the website.  The Test & Protect app seems to be a positive visitor experience with over 8,500 check-ins on the app which is now starting to auto delete after the first 21days of operation.
  -  Business re-opening situation and issues – DMOs
  • Most places are now open and reporting very good numbers against previous years.  Positive people are here and spending money but income is still restricted due to social distancing.
  • Laurie reported the same scenario across Moray with resistance in communities abating.  Work has been done to open toilets and an advance plan is in place with an application being submitted to Rural Infrastructure Round Three for campervan waste disposal etc.
- Communications Framework phase 3/4 messages – CNPA / CBP
  • CNPA are communicating to repeat audiences that know how they should behave.
  • Visit Scotland are to promote on national TV and radio. CNPA are happy to support this with comments and pictures.
  • It was noted the Barry videos received good viewing figures on social media but it was felt caution should be taken not to tell people what not to do and avoid stirring up negativity.


CNPA Green Recovery Plan

This has gone to Finance & Delivery Committee with final version going to Board 14th August, with a view to open the fund on Monday or Tuesday of the following week.  It is still to be confirmed if the fund will be available to individual business as its size does not lend itself to this.  There will be a very simple application process which will be open for a month and be promoted through CBP and other partner memberships as far and wide as possible.  All applications will be assessed on criteria, not first come first served with awards being made by the end of September.  

6.Any Other Updates

Community Sessions

  • It was suggested the community sessions should be revisited, giving first refusal to people who previously attended but still kept open to newcomers.  It was agreed this would be a good chance for some positive follow up with communities and should be arranged for mid to end August.
  • Pete stated Royal Deeside Rangers can be stretched so engaging with communities as to where they are needed would be useful and that positive feedback on Seasonal Rangers has been good.
  • Any negative Ranger feedback should be fed back to Pete.
  • CNPA are looking to start putting stats on website to show Community Councils what has been happening and how we are trying to deal with situations.

7.Date of next meeting

Fortnightly meetings agreed –17th August

27th July, 2020

20th July, 2020

Location: Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group - Via Video-Conference

Cairngorms Tourism Emergency Response Group 20th July 2020, 11am. 

Present: Janet, Geva, Murray, Pete, Mark, Chris T, Chris F, Laurie, Audrey Michie Apologies: Grant, Heather, Alistair, Rhona, Colin

1.Welcome and introductions

  Janet welcomed Audrey Michie who attended on behalf of Alistair Reid form Aberdeenshire Council


Brief updates on new key issues from DMOs, VisitScotland and Business Support agencies  VisitAberdeenshire - Plans re developing with Highland Games Association in Braemar, and indeed the wider Games’ network, to host a behind-closed-doors event at the Braemar arena at the end of August. Main outcome is to be promotion of the Cairngorms with VisitAberdeeshire – not green lighted yet – CF will send a brief summary round to the group of what it may turn in to. Moray Speyside Tourism – have had ongoing issues at Board level, things came to a head which led to 7 Directors resigning. The company now in a good place and have achieved more in 3 weeks than in they did in 5 months. VisitScotland – £3million campaign launched which has had good engagement ramping up the OTA moving from Scotland to the whole of the UK. VS is seeing much stronger interest from overseas, than thought would happen. iCentres – phased reopening programme, all opening up over next couple of weeks. Aviemore plus 4 others opening today, with another set to open next week. Calls for Deeside centres to open ASAP.


Overview of consumer insights and other research

  • 3rd wave of Scottish Tourism Index report shows that Scots very keen to stay in Scotland and that the rest of the UK keen to come to Scotland particular Highlands and rural Scotland - 56 degree presenting to CBP at 10am tomorrow – MT will send round Zoom link
  • Visitor Survey final report and 2019 STEAM - 41% responded gave the National Park 10/10 – Should have new visitor data post covid by end of month which should give us an indication of what our visitors are looking for over the next 18 months.
  • CBP occupancy survey– this survey gets repeated at beginning of each month, the main purpose is to ask accommodation businesses to let us know what forward bookings they have for the next three months. This will assist us with our winter campaign as it will begin to show occupancy into October – which we then feed in to tourist attractions to assess what the future demand is.


Visitor Management Issues – CNPA

  • CNPA still getting data in but it’s been a very chaotic weekend round Deeside and Cairngorm/Glenmore with majority of issues being round roads, camping behaviour, littering and human waste. There was a massive number of cars in in excess of car parks especially at sites like Muir of Dinnet, Glen Muick.
  • What went on at Glenmore was entirely predictable and was predicted - prime responsibility needs to sit with the landowners – concerns about lack of action taken by FLS. This has been raised with them. More active onsite management is required. Paul Hibbard is on leave for 3 weeks, MF spoke to Graham Prest who is now committed to getting things fixed, and indicating tougher approach to parking enforcement. CNPA are meeting with FLS and others this afternoon to discuss what can been done. CNPA do have powers that they could use to step in and sort this but these are not things that can be done quickly.
  • MF circulated the press release from Scottish Government about visitor behaviour and outdoor access rights. Fergus Ewing MSP is aware of all the issues going on. We need to use the power we have available
  • Deeside had a huge deluge of people, main issues were not enough toilet facilities, bins etc. Geva to talk to Pete C further about what happened in Deeside.
  • Geva has circulated the e-mail that she sent to the Chief Inspector for Aberdeenshire about problems with motor bikes. The Police have come back to say they are tasking patrols across Deeside.
  • MF to send e-mail update to the group with report from visitor management group.
- provision of visitor facilities
  • Angus Glens, Loch Muick, Crathie toilets are still shut and this is causing issues
- camping & campervans
  • Our strategy is to make sure that we have really good information, promote the facilities that do exist. In meantime CNPA is in discussion with THC and other about improvements of facilities – priority is around public toilet and waste management.
Business re-opening situation and issues - DMOs
  • Most places are now open in some form, just wanting for Strathspey Railway to see what they are doing. Braemar Games Centre still closed, Highland Folk Museum should open next week.
  • Launched the Protect online App to collect customer contact - has had a good take up on that
  Communications Framework phase 3 messages – CNPA / CBP
  • Access Video launched last week, very effective, really positive feedback.
  • Edit of shorter version of that video will go out later this week
Outdoor retailer access communications project
  • Chris Tiso meeting with CNPA and CBP – good positive meeting, lots of actions came out of it, working on various things like joint blogs and putting messages on their website about positive access behaviour
  • Opportunity to do something local with Aviemore Tiso, and how working towards how do we do a similar thing nationally


CNPA Green Recovery Plan

  • Criteria for that is getting approved – criteria coming out in August

HIE adventure tourism project

  • Getting promoted - scheme is only eligibly in the HIE area – i.e. Highland and Moray and Mark will get onto promoting it to businesses

6.Any Other Updates

Nothing to report

7.Date of next meeting

Monday 3rd August at 11am

20th July, 2020

Outcome of Call In - 20 July 2020

13th July, 2020