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Priority 5: Active Cairngorms

The National Park has the potential to be a rural exemplar of active lifestyles and active travel


Some 20% of the Scottish population are inactive and physical inactivity is the second biggest cause of mortality, leading to 2,500 deaths in Scotland every year. Increasing outdoor physical activity can lead to improvements in many health conditions, from heart disease to mental health issues. The Cairngorms National Park has the access infrastructure, destination appeal and partnerships required to promote increased physical activity in both residents and visitors.

Agenda For Action

Partners will support delivery of Active Cairngorms with actions including:

  • Using partnership in the Cairngorms National Park as an example of how to support delivery of Scotland’s Natural
    Health Service;
  • Encouraging residents and visitors to responsibly enjoy and use the National Park for physical activity as part of daily life;
  • Targeting people currently living sedentary lifestyles where inactivity is the norm; older adults, teenage girls and those living with long-term medical conditions;
  • Maintaining and growing health walks through the Cairngorms Walking project and linking with other opportunities to be active;
  • Delivering more environmental volunteering opportunities and developing volunteer rangers;
  • Better co-ordination and promotion of public transport and active travel;
  • Improving opportunities for active travel in Aviemore that deliver improved transport connections for visitors and residents.

Our main priorities for visitor experience

Priority 4: Visitor Information And Infrastructure
Priority 4: Visitor Information And Infrastructure 
Priority 6: Learning And Inclusion
Priority 6: Learning And Inclusion 
Visitor Experience Targets
Visitor Experience Targets