Park Authority Board
The role of the Park Authority Board is to agree long term objectives for the National Park through the National Park Partnership Plan and to set the priorities of work for the Park Authority
Helping to shape Scotland’s National Parks
The board members of the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) have a key role in ensuring that both the natural environment and the local communities in our Park are cared for and sustained for current and future generations to enjoy.
Have you wondered what attracts people to be part of the Park Authority Board or what it takes to be a board member? In this video four (past and present) CNPA board members; Rebecca Badger, Brian Wood, Eleanor Mackintosh and Gregor Hutcheon talk about why they wanted to be part of the CNPA board and what it means to be a board member.
Board members play an important role in representing the National Park and Park Authority by acting as ambassadors for the Park.(Gaelic version)
19 Members make up the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) Board:
- 7 members appointed by Scottish Ministers
- 5 members are elected locally
- 7 members are nominated by the 5 councils in the Cairngorms National Park: Highland (2), Aberdeenshire (2), Moray (1), Angus (1), Perth & Kinross (1)
The members normally serve between 18 months and 4 years and are currently paid a day rate of £239.67 per day for 3 days per month. All Board members serve on the CNPA Planning Committee.
Do you have any other questions?
- View the Board Standing Orders
- View the Code of Conduct
- View the Board Members Register Of Interests
- View the Board Committee’s Terms of Reference
- View the Cairngorms National Park Authority Whistleblowing Policy
- For enquiries contact: Clerk(s) to the Board at [email protected]
Bòrd Stiùiridh Ùghdarras na Pàirce
Is e dleastanas Ùghdarras na Pàirce ach aonta a ruighinn air amasan na Pàirce Nàiseanta thar an fhad-ùine tro Phlana Com-pàirteachail na Pàirce Nàiseanta agus cuideachd air na prìomhachasan airson obair an Ùghdarrais. Tha buill a’ bhùird-stiùiridh le dleastanasan cudromach aca a thaobh riochdachadh na Pàirce Nàiseanta ’s an Ùghdarrais is iad nan tosgairean às leth na Pàirce. Tha 19 buill air bòrd-stiùiridh Ùghdarras Pàirc Nàiseanta a’ Mhonaidh Ruaidh (CNPA):
- 7 buill air am fastadh le Ministearan na h-Alba
- 5 buill air an taghadh bhon sgìre
- 7 buill air an cur air adhart bho na còig ùghdarrasan ionadail sa Phàirc: Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd (2), Comhairle Siorrachd Obar Dheathain (2), Comhairle Mhoireibh (1), Comhairle Aonghais (1), Comhairle Pheairt is Cheann Rois (1)
Tha buill, san àbhaist, air a’ bhòrd bho 18 mìosan gu 4 bliadhna is a’ faighinn £226.75 san là ’son trì là sa mhìos. Tha na buill uile a’ frithealadh Comataidh Planaidh an CNPA.
A bheil ceistean sam bith agaibh?
- Gnàth-riaghailtean a’ Bhùird
- Còd Giùlain a’ Bhùird
- Clàr-uidhean Bhall a’ Bhùird
- Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh: Clàrc a’ Bhùird [email protected]
Who are the CNPA Board?
![]() Chris Beattie | Chris BeattieChris Beattie is the Angus Council representative on the CNPA Board. He is a ward councillor for the Brechin and Edzell Ward which covers part of the Angus Glens. With degrees in Zoology and Wildlife Management and Conservation he has also worked as an ecologist and has been a Countryside Ranger. |
![]() Geva Blackett | Geva BlackettGeva Blackett has lived in Braemar for almost thirty years. Having served as a directly elected Board Member she is now an Aberdeenshire Council nominee to the Board. Geva is the only Aberdeenshire councillor who actually lives in the Park and is serving her third Council term representing the 800sq mile Aboyne, Upper Deeside and Donside Ward, which includes both the Lecht and Glenshee ski centres. Low-cost housing– particularly for local, young people – is high on Geva’s agenda as is tourism and the economy. She is passionate about the wildlife & countryside that provide the economic, cultural and social backdrop to the lives of those who live and work in the Park and believes strongly that community capacity building is key to the Park’s sustainable future. |
Sandy Bremner Sandy Bremner is Chair of the River Dee Trust, working with land managers, conservation organisations, and the people who live and work in the National Park, to deliver one of the biggest nature-restoration projects in the Cairngorms. |
![]() Jackie Brierton MBE | Jackie Brierton MBEJackie Brierton is CEO of GrowBiz Scotland – an award-winning enterprise development organisation supporting rural businesses and communities across Scotland. She is a passionate advocate for Scotland’s diverse rural economy and is currently one of SRUC’s ‘entrepreneurs in residence’. She has more than 35 years experience in business, enterprise and policy development, including a period advising the UK Government’s DTi Small Business Service. She founded Women’s Enterprise Scotland and chaired the Rural Perth and Kinross CLLD/LEADER programme for 6 years. Among a number of personal awards, she was included in the Saltire Society’s ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’ in 2019. Jackie was on the Scottish Government’s National Council of Rural Advisers and was also a member of its Advisory Council for Economic Transformation. She is currently Chair of Perth & Kinross’s Local Employability Partnership and co-Chair of the newly formed Perth & Kinross Business Partnership. In her spare time she enjoys playing football, supporting St Johnstone. singing and walking her dogs. |
![]() Peter Cosgrove | Peter CosgrovePeter Cosgrove has lived and worked in the Cairngorms since 1998. He is Managing Director of Alba Ecology Ltd., an ecological consultancy specialising surveying and advising public, private and third sector clients on land-use and biodiversity conservation issues. Pete has worked with many of the key Cairngorms partners for decades, right back to the inception of the national park. Much of his work has sought to demonstrate and communicate that climate change threatens livelihoods and important biodiversity across the Cairngorms, and it requires urgent action from many individuals, businesses, and organisations across the park and beyond to tackle the climate crisis effectively. |
![]() Kenny Deans | Kenny DeansKenny Deans was born in Ardgay, Sutherland and was raised in Edinburgh before taking up a teaching post at Kingussie High where he pursued his career in Education over a 34 year period. |
![]() Russell Jones | Russell JonesRussell Jones is an Independent Councillor, elected in May 2022, representing ward 20 Badenoch and Strathspey. |
![]() Paul Edward Gibb | Paul Edward GibbPaul Gibb is the community representative for Ward 5 - Aberdeenshire/Angus/Perth & Kinross. |
![]() Hannah Grist | Hannah Grist Hannah Grist is a Lecturer in Socio-Environmental Systems at Scotland's Rural College, and Deputy Programme Director of the University of Edinburgh MSc in Environmental Management and Protection. She is a researcher in ecology and the environment, with experience in conservation and climate change. She also has a strong background in science communication, stakeholder engagement and citizen science, interested in how people create, learn and benefit from scientific knowledge and understanding. |
![]() John Kirk | John KirkJohn Kirk is elected to represent Ward 3. He farms 750ha at Nethybridge with his wife Anne. They run an agricultural and plant hire business and a builder’s merchants with shops in Aviemore employing 30 people so are aware of the pressures businesses face in the area. Enjoys playing bowls to relax and is chairman of the Bothy newspaper. Served on NFU and is currently Showground Convener of Strathspey Farmers Club which is one of the Cairngorms National Parks biggest one-day events. Been involved with fundraising in Nethybridge for Christmas lights and Defibrillators. Loves the area and would love to see the wildlife improve for future generations. |
Bill LobbanBill Lobban has been the Elected Member for Badenoch & Strathspey for 10 years and he and his family have lived in Aviemore for over 40 years. Since 2017 Bill has served as Convener of the Highland Council, having been appointed for a second term following the 2022 Local Elections. |
Steve MicklewrightSteve Micklewright is an ecologist and has worked in nature conservation for over thirty years. He has a diverse range of experience including working as a botanical surveyor in south west England, undertaking community led wildlife projects and campaigns in Bristol and campaigning against illegal bird hunting in Malta. He is currently CEO of Trees for Life and Convenor of the Scottish Rewilding Alliance. He lives close to the National Park and aims to bring his diverse experience in nature conservation, community development as well as the recent pioneering work of Trees for Life to support the strategy and plans of the national park, especially with regard to nature restoration and its benefit to the community. |
Duncan MillerDuncan Miller is a fourth generation Strathspey farmer. He has lived in the Cairngorms National Park for most of his life. Duncan Miller has a keen interest in sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices that can help boost biodiversity and cut down on a farm's carbon footprint. On his farm, he has been working with a conservationist to see if changing some farming practices can help increase biodiversity on the farm and also help maintain or boost the farm’s profitability. Duncan Miller is keen on finding solutions that can be a win for biodiversity, a win for the environment and a win for farm profitability. |
![]() Lauren MacCallum | Lauren MacCallumLauren MacCallum is the community representative for Ward 2. Lauren MacCallum is a dynamic and passionate advocate for community and climate action. In her role as Managing Director of Protect Our Winters UK, Lauren takes a leading position in mobilising the outdoor sports community for climate action. |
![]() Eleanor Mackintosh | Eleanor MackintoshEleanor Mackintosh was elected for Ward 4. She was born and brought up in Glenlivet and continues to live there. Eleanor and husband ran a family farm on Glenlivet Estate which has now been taken over by their son. She spent 25 years working with the Clydesdale Bank latterly as a Financial Advisor. She serves on various community groups including the Tomintoul and Glenlivet Heritage Lottery Landscape Project Board. Directly elected to represent Ward 4. |
![]() Fiona McLean | Dr Fiona McLeanDr Fiona McLean has extensive experience as an academic leader, with an international reputation for research and teaching in cultural heritage and tourism marketing. She was previously Professor of Cultural Heritage Management at Glasgow Caledonian University and before that, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Stirling. Dr McLean brings a wide range of experience as a Non-Executive Director, and as Vice-Chair of the University of the Highlands and Islands has taken an active role in promoting equal access to research and learning in the Highlands and Islands. As a founding Non-Executive Director with Historic Environment Scotland, she has collectively led on the creation of a new, lead body which champions cultural heritage in Scotland. Ministerial appointment. |
![]() | Ann RossAnn Ross has connection with the area going back generations. She has a deep routed love for the mountain landscape, rivers and glens. As an experienced councillor, she has a good understanding of governance of operating at a strategic level, a record of delivery for the residents of Aberdeenshire and a commitment to reducing carbon emissions. These competencies would complement the CNPA board, and benefit business, residents and stakeholders of the communities within the park. |
![]() Cllr Derek Ross | Derek RossDerek Ross is an Independent Councillor for Ward 1 Speyside Glenlivet at Moray Council since May 2017. He was a teacher and has worked in Moray, Aberdeenshire and Highland and he believes education should play a major part in informing our young people of their rights and responsibilities in a unique environment. His principal interests in the Cairngorms National Park are the promotion of transport, connectivity and tourism and also to enhance the living environment of all those who reside and work in the National Park. He is the nominated representative from the CNPA Board to the Cairngorms Trust Board. As a keen outdoor enthusiast, he also wishes to preserve its distinctive character. Nominated by Moray Council and approved by the Minister. |
![]() Michael Williamson | Mike WilliamsonMike Williamson is a ward councillor for Perth & Kinross Council Ward 4, which covers Southern Boundary on the National Park. He was first elected at a by election in September 2011. With a Diploma in Amenity Horticulture he has also worked as an Gold Course Greenkeeper. |