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The wildlife in the National Park is outstanding. It is a stronghold for many rare and endangered species, living in some our most natural landscapes.

Our wildlife is one of the special qualities of the Park

The National Park contains one quarter of Scotland’s native forest; one third of UK land above 600 metres; more breeding farmland waders than the whole of Wales; the largest population of twinflower in Scotland, eighty per cent of the UK’s population of capercaillie…

“darting red squirrels and soaring ospreys or you can go with a guide or watch from a hide”

Any one of these things would make an area special. That they all come together in the Cairngorms National Park makes it remarkable!

Come and see for yourself

Get out and see some wildlife for yourself! You can either keep your eyes peeled for darting red squirrels and soaring ospreys or you can go with a guide or watch from a hide – the choice is yours!

For some top tips on wildlife to watch out for go to for more on how to join

AntGuide to the Wood Ants of the UK

We have compiled an illustrated guide to all the major Wood Ant species and what to look out for when you are exploring. Download the guide here (PDF | 3.6 MB)

Discover our remarkable wildlife

Red squirrel
Red squirrel 