Issue 5: Active Cairngorms
Wee Epics
- 20% of Scotland’s population are physically inactive;
- Physical inactivity is the second biggest cause of mortality, leading to 2,500 deaths in Scotland every year;
- Increasing outdoor physical activity can lead to improvements in many health conditions, from heart disease to mental health issues;
- The Cairngorms National Park has the access infrastructure, destination appeal and partnerships required to promote increased physical activity; and
- Active Cairngorms aims to make it easier and safer for people to move around the Park whatever their age, ability or background: to be more physically active, to learn about, care for and appreciate the Park.
- Make the most of the National Park’s infrastructure and brand identity as part of Scotland’s Natural Health Service;
- Residents and visitors will enjoy and use the Park for physical activity at least once a day;
- Target people currently living sedentary lifestyles where inactivity is the norm; these include older adults, young girls and those living with long term medical conditions;
- Support and promote the Active Cairngorms Partnership to jointly deliver on social, environmental and health care outcomes;
- Continued/enhanced delivery of health walks through the Cairngorms Walking to Health Project;
- Co-ordination of environmental volunteering opportunities; and
- Deliver active travel enhancements in Aviemore that deliver improved transport connections for visitors and residents.
Peter Cairns/2020VISION/CNPA
- Active Cairngorms Partnership
- GP outdoor physical activity referral programme
- Health walks partnerships
- Volunteering
Wee Epics
Locations of health walks throughout the Cairngorms National Park
How can levels of physical activity among residents and visitors be increased?
How can environmental volunteering opportunities be better co-ordinated and promoted to engage people?
Explore the other big issues
Issue 6 - Learning and Inclusion
Issue 6 - Learning and Inclusion
Issue 7 - Housing
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Issue 8 - Community Capacity and Empowerment