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Publication | 2015

The Local Development Plan Action Programme sets out how the Plan will be implemented and was adopted by the CNPA Planning Committee on 12 June 2015.

Publication | 2015

Section 8 (1) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires an organisation to determine if a plan is likely to have significant environmental effects.

Publication | 2015

There are many examples of great design in the Park. So you can see what’s out there and what’s possible, we’ve put together a series of case studies to inspire you.

Publication | 2015

This report updates the 2002 economic survey of the Park and contains data and analysis on everything from forestry to housing, people and work, manufacturing to tourism, whisky to retailing.

Meeting | 2015

Meeting | 2015

Publication | 2015

Estate Management Statements are written by estate owners/managers to provide a brief overview of the estate, their current priorities, examples of work to deliver the National Park Partnership Plan and contact points. While not comprehensive, the statements provide information about a significant proportion of land within the National Park. Further…More

Publication | 2015

The CNPA commissioned an independent study in 2013 to replicate and build upon previous surveys carried out by the Cairngorms Partnership between 1999 and 2002. The survey report provides detailed information on current land management practice, including income and expenditure and provides useful information on landowners’ future aspirations for land-use…More

Meeting | 2015

Meeting | 2015