Publications & Resources
Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022: SEA Environmental Report
Publication | 2016
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017 – 2022 is a statutory requirement under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. SEA is a systematic process developed to ensure that potential environmental impacts of Plans, Programmes and Strategies (PPS) (both positive and negative) are assessed…More
- There are 17 associated files. List all files for this resource
Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022: Habitat Regulation Appraisal
Publication | 2016
This document outlines the Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) of the National Park Partnership Plan (NPPP) 2017-2022. This document is the ‘Screening Report’ of the NPPP and covers the preliminary stages of the HRA process: the identification of protected areas; the collection of data; the assessment of the effects NPPP outcomes…More
Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022 Consultation: Supporting Information
Publication | 2016
- There are 9 associated files. List all files for this resource
Equalities in the CNPA
Publication | 2016
- There are 15 associated files. List all files for this resource
Detailed Evidence Papers
Publication | 2016
Finance & Delivery Committee
Meeting | 2016
- There are 8 associated files. List all files for this resource
Cairngorms Local Outdoor Access Forum
Advisory Forum | 2016